
Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Zim shall never retreat - Mugabe

Zim shall never retreat - Mugabe
By George Chellah in Harare, Zimbabwe
Wednesday October 03, 2007 [04:00]

President Robert Mugabe has vowed that Zimbabwe shall never retreat in resisting the British and the Americans. And President Mugabe said US President George Bush acts as though he were God. Meanwhile, President Mugabe warned that profiteering businesses risked being taken over by the state if they did not adhere to stipulated pricing levels.

Addressing scores of war veterans and ZANU-PF supporters at Harare International Airport upon arrival from the 62nd Session of the United Nations General Assembly in New York, President Mugabe said the British and the Americans were still interested in ruling Zimbabwe.

“Tony Blair, Bush and now Gordon Brown (British Prime Minister), you are just foreigners who live in far-off lands. Leave us alone. We are not your relatives. What are you looking for? What are your interests here?” President Mugabe asked.

“You came and siphoned our wealth for years and years. You still want to rule us, we are not crippled. Zimbabwe is ours, we won’t retreat. Zimbabwe shall never be a colony again.”

President Mugabe also took time to brief the gathering about his trip to New York and said US President George Bush acts as though he were God.

“Where we had gone at the UN in New York, we go there every year to discuss our grievances. It’s in Bush’s land, that’s where New York is. Bush plays god, he says we are wrong on this and that,”

President Mugabe explained. “He called my government ‘Mugabe regime’ and then I said, ‘no! no! We won’t take that lying down.’ We told him that his hands were dripping with blood. That god Bush who doesn’t respect international law.

“We told him that you (Bush) want to behave like you are God but No! We have only one God, the one that we worship.”
He said the UN Charter stipulates that no country should intimidate other nations.

“They used the pretext of weapons of mass destructions to invade Iraq. They arrested Saddam Hussein and their companies are now drawing oil from that country,” President Mugabe said. “The British were our rulers and there was no democracy, 50,000 people were killed during the war with Ian Smith.”

President Mugabe said if there was anything wrong the Zimbabwean government was doing, there were regional groupings to handle that.

“If we need help, they can come in. That’s what we did in Congo DR and Lesotho. We have other groupings as well like COMESA and African Union. So why do they want to intervene in our affairs?”
He also criticised the western media for not covering his response to President Bush’s speech on Zimbabwe.

“They talk of press freedom in the US but no newspaper was allowed to publish that (his speech). But the truth is the truth,” President Mugabe.

President Mugabe cautioned Zimbabweans over manoeuvres from western countries.

“Zimbabweans should always remember that there are countries that do not want peace in Zimbabwe. They want to find a pretext to invade this country,” he said.

He also warned that profiteering businesses risked being taken over by the state if they did not adhere to stipulated pricing levels.
“We will have to seize the companies, and the services whether transport or any other service being rendered by a company or organisation. We will take over the companies,” President Mugabe warned.

He said the British and the Americans did not want to see people with sovereignty over their territory and resources, hence Zimbabweans had to jealously guard their independence.

President Mugabe said the recently passed Indigenisation and Economic Empowerment Bill would ensure that wealth was exploited for the benefit of Zimbabweans.

He said investors who did not want to abide by the law should leave.
He said Zimbabwe had enough geologists, metallurgists and other skilled personnel who could establish vibrant companies.

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