
Thursday, November 22, 2007

Chiefs Kapijimpanga, Mumena give traditional land to Solwezi council

Chiefs Kapijimpanga, Mumena give traditional land to Solwezi council
By Zumani Katasefa in Solwezi
Thursday November 22, 2007 [03:00]

CHIEFS Kapijimpanga and Mumena of Solwezi have surrendered huge portions of their traditional land to Solwezi Municipal Council for the redesigning of the town. In an interview on Tuesday, Solwezi council town clerk Jim Zya said the chiefs had surrendered part of their traditional lands to allow the redesigning of Solwezi district and for setting up a town in Lumwana..

He, however, said chief Kapijimpanga's traditional advisors had objected to the chief’s gesture, saying that part of the land that had been given out for development was reserved for their kingdom.

Zya said the matter was being discussed and hoped that the chief's advisors would understand the purpose of new infrastructure developments in Solwezi. Zya said once the district was redesigned, the local authority would not allow people to put up their buildings anyhow.

"In the recent past there has been no proper control of how buildings have being constructed,'' he said.

Zya said the local authority would also upgrade some of the existing infrastructures such as schools and business centres. He said the council would also create by-pass roads as the current roads in the district were not able to accommodate the influx of vehicles in the area.

He said the council would further create commercial centres in places such as Mushitala to spread development to the western parts of the Solwezi town.

"With political will that is there, it will be very disappointing for the council to fail to positively respond to the challenges that this district is facing," said Zya.

And chief Mumena said he was happy with the new developments that were taking place in the district, hence his gesture to give part of his traditional land to the local authority to allow the expansion of the district.

He said that he would want to see classic buildings being put in the district and not ramshackle ones.

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