
Thursday, November 08, 2007

Govt to re-introduce Zambianisation committee

Govt to re-introduce Zambianisation committee
By Chibaula Silwamba in Nchanga
Thursday November 08, 2007 [03:00]

THE government will soon re-introduce the Zambianisation committee that will stop foreign cheap labour from coming to Zambia, labour and social security minister Ronald Mukuma has assured. Mukuma on Tuesday expressed concern at unskilled labourers coming to Zambia to do jobs that could be done by Zambians.

“I have to assure you that the interest of Zambian citizens is being taken care of. As a result the government in the laws which are being amended, is going to re-introduce the Zambianisation committee and this Zambianisation committee will mainly look after the interest of Zambians to ensure that we don’t have cheap labour coming into this country to occupy the positions that can be held and done by Zambians,” Mukuma said.

“So the Zambians’ interest is being taken care of in the amended laws that we are going to introduce and therefore nobody should cheat you that these investors are coming to control us. That is not possible.”

He urged Zambians not to worry about investors colonising them.

“That is not true because what is happening is that every investor that comes in will have to operate within the laws of Zambia,” Mukuma said.

“We are currently having a lot of investment in the mining sector and as a result, the employment rate on the Copperbelt Province is increasing at the moment, we have quite a lot of people who have been re-employed compared to the time before the New Deal government came into power.”

He attributed the increase in the number of investors to the good economic policies, which the Mwanawasa government implemented.

Two weeks ago commerce, trade and industry minister Felix Mutati expressed concern at the increasing number of Chinese labourers coming into Zambia.

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