
Friday, November 09, 2007

(HERALD) Zimbabwean youths make business strides in China

Zimbabwean youths make business strides in China
By Chaka Chidyamatiyo recently in GUANGZHOU, China

GOVERNMENT’S Look East Policy has begun yielding positive results with more Zimbabwean youths making great business strides in China owing to the country’scordial relations with the rising Asian nation. The Herald last week caught up with a group of 10 youths travelling to China where they are engaged in the trade of various goods and services. Mr Albert Chivero of Mufakose said the cordial relations between Zimbabwe and China had opened up an array of opportunities that needed to be utilised.

"Even the British themselves have already embarked on a ‘Look East Policy’, but they would not say it out. I have on several occasions met many people from Western countries like Britain in China and we sometimes scramble for commodities," he said.

Mr Chivero said there were big brand names such as Reebok, which were in high demand in many Western countries but were imported from the Asian countries.

"The whole world is looking at China for business opportunities and Zimba-bweans should stop crying against the imposition of illegal sanctions by Britain and America.

"Zimbabweans can make it without the Western countries and for your own information we are making lots of money in the course of trading in China," he said.

Ms Abigail Mateve of Mt Darwin said she explored business opportunities in China and has been travelling to and from China since February this year.

"If we continue working with China, we will get everything we want.

"As a country, we may not be able to satisfy the demand for our products in the Chinese market. Imagine only a single province can surpass the total population of Zimbabwe," she said.

She said China was a better option compared to Western countries, as there were no stringent visa requirements.

Ms Mateve said China was a big market for Zimbabwean products where they are in high demand.

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