
Monday, November 26, 2007

I'm a fighter - Prof Chirwa

I'm a fighter - Prof Chirwa
By Lambwe Kachali
Monday November 26, 2007 [03:00]

I am a fighter and not a quitter, MMD presidential aspirant Professor Clive Chirwa has said. And Prof Chirwa said MMD in its current state was disintegrating and needed serious mending. In an interview from Livingstone where he is meeting with various stakeholders, Prof Chirwa said he had faced difficult challenges in life before he decided to join politics.

“I have a skin of an elephant. It is difficult for someone to intimidate or destroy me because I have fought different battles in various fields. I have fought academic, political, economic and social battles,” Prof Chirwa said. “I have always been a fighter and not a quitter and I will never be a quitter for as along as I live.”

He said it took him great courage and vision to gain the respect and status he has, especially in a foreign land like Britain where most people are highly educated.

“If I managed to contribute to the development of Britain, why can’t I do it in my own country? I have reached a point where white people are working for me in my firms. I have controlled whites in most sectors of life. I have been exposed to different sets of life. I have done what I wanted to do in Britain and I want to bring that development and knowledge into practical terms for my own country, Zambia,” Prof Chirwa said. “I have sacrificed a lot in the foreign land and now my vision is to alleviate the poverty Zambia has been facing since independence. I mean well for this country.”

Prof Chirwa said Zambians should not view him as an amateur in politics because he had a bright vision for the country. He further said that he took great exception to Lusaka Province minister Lameck Mangani’s statement against him which bordered on tribalism saying he would not tolerate such unwarranted sentiments that were against his vision for Zambia.

“That statement is rubbish. I am not going to be intimidated. No one was born a politician. Mangani is talking to the right person because I have gone through a lot of temptations in life and I think I understand things better than him,” Prof Chirwa said.
He said he joined politics after wider consultations from both foreign and local politicians.

“Even when I decided to join MMD, I made consultations and I read the party constitution as well. So I understand the party and its operations better than most MMD members,” he said.

Prof Chirwa said it was unfortunate that some MMD top leaders felt agitated when he declared his intentions for the party presidency.

“Before I declared, I made an appointment with the MMD national chairman Michael Mabenga. I wanted to meet him on 20th November 2007. But to my surprise, when I reached the place we had arranged to meet, Mr. Mabenga did not show up. I waited for some time and a cadre came and told me that Mabenga was unable to meet me. I was very surprised about that,” Prof Chirwa said. “Later, I was told that Mabenga failed to meet me because he is also interested to contest the party presidency. But that should not be the inhibiting factor. If MMD top leaders behave in such a way, then how do they steer the party and the nation forward.”

Prof Chirwa said from his experience, it was clear that there was disintegration and division in MMD and therefore the party needed serious solutions.

“It is for this reason that I want to tell my colleagues in MMD to support me so that we can attain the best for this country. I first want to bring unity in MMD. My political vision has been a long course. Nobody in MMD seems to have a great vision as mine,” Prof Chirwa said. “I am here to solve problems and not to quarrel.”

Asked whether he would heed to Mangani’s advise that he should be associating with top leadership and not cadres, Prof Chirwa said he was not in politics to serve the interest of MMD alone but that of the country at large.

“Mangani is making a terrible mistake. I have no time to serve Mangani’s interest. I have a lot of support from the party cadres than the MMD national executive committee (NEC) members. So, if NEC does not want me, I will not fear. All I want is to bring fresh ideas, fresh policies as well as practical steps towards developing this country. And this is where my support will come from,” Prof Chirwa said. “I will sell myself through the manifesto that I will present to the people at the convention.”

Prof Chirwa also said he would be officially introduced to the nation as MMD member on November 30, 2007.

“All necessary arrangements have been made and everybody is welcome including you people from the media. This occasion will take place in Lusaka although I cannot confirm the venue,” said Prof Chirwa.


  1. Anonymous3:18 PM

    Welcome to politics Prof!! Too bad you are joining a dying party MMD...Zambians will never give MMD another chance to gonvern no matter the party candidate..we are tired and sick of dead end MMD manifesto!!
    All Zambia eyes are set on another party bUT NOT MMD...It not too late to quit MMD, Try PF Lubinda...the winning party come 2011!!

  2. Anonymous12:38 AM

    One funny think is that you have never and are not a voter but a blogger in the Diaspora. for close to 17 years you have been singing that song of end of MMD but to no avail. Aren't they in power past your term limit of 2006? What will be of you should they win beyond 2011.

    Winning elections is not by online rhetoric. There are serious variables and actors. The opposition is in your head only unless we go for a two party system. Multipartism will keep pulling the MMD victories way beyond 2011.

    Practically, there is no real opposition while those you are counting on in scramble for power are heading for irrepairable rivarly. Sata at 76 will never rule my country whilemark Mushili (Dropped Ndola Central MP), Given Lubinda, Dr. Chishimba, Willie Nsanda, Machungwa, Henry Mtonga, Winter Kabinga are all have their eyes on sata's shoes.

    Remember, sata is not budging despite the public disproval the race will spam him.If anything, PF is worse off than MMD. What new things has sata and his ex-MMD league members got that they failed to do right in MMD? HH is another one stack with his Monze Presidency where his only political constituency exist. I doubt where you hope he will mashall winning votes. Sikota and Nawakwi will be consumed by MMD while Never Mumba on a campaign trail in Texas is a loose vulture who thinks votes are at Christ For The Nations in Texas instead of Zambia.

    After successfully serving three administrations to the heart of two, I will be here just watching and bursting in laughter on your defeat while making my money on some stock markets for children and Grandies. Dreams are yours to bank on.

  3. Anonymous7:15 AM

    Prof. Chirwa while I appreciate the battles that you have fought in your life, it is true to study the party politics first. MMD is a party of crooks, corrupt and very dishonesty guys. They are studying your moves and steps that you are making and will be uttering words to gauge your temper. Kindly watch them carefully otherwise they may bruise you badly. MMD does not seem to welcome you and if they did Mabenga could have condemned Mangani's utterances. All top party officials are quite about Mangani's utterances what does that mean to you? The late Mazoka was another brilliant man and could have been ruling Zambia by now. He was frustrated by all means and ended up forming UPND which would have been in power by now. If it is possible try to search again and find another popular party that you can join. As things are in Zambia people are tired of MMD and want another party to rule. MMD may not survive in the 2011 elections just imagine how they lost in the Nchanga by-elections and how the urban dwellers celebrated. VJ who recently claimed to be the election strategist has just retired from active politics which leaves MMD vulnerable now. Prof. its not too late to make a U-turn but make it carefully with very convincing reasons. Wish you the best as you get the worst insults and rebukes from the unlearned politicians.
