
Saturday, November 03, 2007

Matongo advises govt to lobby EU over EPAs

Matongo advises govt to lobby EU over EPAs
By Kabanda Chulu
Saturday November 03, 2007 [03:00]

OPPOSITION Pemba member of parliament David Matongo has advised the government to persuade the European Union (EU) with logic that Zambia is not ready to sign the Economic Partnership Agreements (EPAs). And commerce minister Felix Mutati has said Zambia was more concerned with the substance and content of the EPAs and not compliance with the December 2007 deadline.

During debate in Parliament to adopt the report of the committee on Economic Affairs and Labour yesterday, Matongo said the National Assembly should assist government negotiators to send a clear message that Zambia was not ready for the EPAs.

“This position is agreeable with almost all the African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) countries and we should put our message clear as a united force that we are not ready for the EPAs and we should not beg but persuade the EU with logic that we cannot compete effectively,” said Matongo.

“And we should not take comfort in the EU duty and quota free offer under the everything but arms (EBA) systems because it is not negotiated and can be taken away anytime and we should not allow ourselves to lose revenue under the reciprocity arrangements.”

And Mutati said government would not sign any agreement that goes against the attainment of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).

“Whether in agreement with the World Trade Organisation or not, the EPAs in their current form will go against the MDGs and why should the EU put pressure when they have committed to the attainment of the MDGs?” he asked.

He said the ACP countries had asked for a 25 year stabilisation period due to the revenue loss as a result of the free trade area agreements but the EU insists that it would be too long.

“The EU argues that trade, goods and services should underpin the EPA but we want more development and aid for trade aspects and as Zambia we are more concerned with substance and content of the EPA and not necessarily the deadline,” said Mutati.

“Another critical issue is with the way we are grouped since others are least developed countries (LDCs) their needs are different from what the more advanced countries want and they are willing to sign at the expense of the LDCs so this position has split the groups.”

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