
Friday, November 16, 2007

Tanzanian leader names team to review mining contracts

Tanzanian leader names team to review mining contracts
By Emmanuel Katongo in Arusha, Tanzania
Friday November 16, 2007 [03:00]

Tanzanian President Jakaya Kikwete has appointed former Attorney General Mark Bomani chairman of the committee to review all mining contracts. In a statement issued by State House in Dar-es-Salaam yesterday President Kikwete gave the 11-member team three months to complete its work. The members include legislators from the ruling Chama Cha Mapinduzi (CCM), opposition parties, senior government officials and the private sector.

Its terms of reference include going through all mining contracts and other documents involving large-scale mining, the tax regime in the mining sector and the right of an investor and those of the government.

The committee will also meet with the Chamber of Minerals and other stakeholders to review the system used by the government to supervise large-scale mining.

Other members of the committee are United Democratic Party (UDP) member of parliament for Bariad East, John Cheyo and Chadema member of parliament for Kigoma North Zitto Kabwe.

Others are CCM member of parliament for Kyela, Harrison Mwakyemba, Msalala member of parliament Ezekiel Mainga, Peter Machunde from the Dar-es-Salaam Stock Exchange (DSE) and David Tarimo of PriceWaterhouse Coopers.

Also on the committee are the director of civil cases and international law in the Ministry of Justice and Constitutional Affairs, Justice Maria Kejo and a lawyer with the Ministry of Energy and Minerals, Salome Makange.

Commissioner for policy in the Ministry of Finance, Mugisha Kamugisha and the Human Settlements assistant director in the Ministry of Lands, Housing and Human Settlements Development, Edward Kihundwa are also on the committee.

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