
Wednesday, December 05, 2007

(ALLAFRICA, TIMES) On Decentralisation

The Times of Zambia (Ndola)
5 December 2007
Posted to the web 5 December 2007

The drive by Government for a fully decentralised and democratically elected governance system as one way of enhancing transparency and accountability is a noble pursuit. Whichever way one looks at it, there is no denying the importance of a strong local government system based on open, predictable and transparent procedures tailored towards enhanced service delivery to the people. The Government decentralisation vision envisages enhanced and effective community participation in the decision-making process relating to the development and administration of local affairs while at the same time maintaining strong linkages with the centre.

It is noteworthy that the Government's decentralisation is also aimed at formulating and implementing mechanisms for a bottom-up flow of information and integrated development and budgeting from the district to the centre. This is as it should be because local government, by virtue of its location in the respective communities, is better placed on the ground and is fully in tune with the day to day realities obtaining in various situations.

As things stand now, the responsibilities and scope of activities conducted by the local authorities are increasing. This is especially the case in areas where there is a resurgence of economic activities such as mining. This increase in economic activities and other infrastructural development means that local government also has more responsibilities in terms of the collection of various local forms of levies such as land rates.

Furthermore, increased economic activity raises issues pertaining to environmental protection as well as ensuring proper health and sanitation. On the other hand, even as Government outlines its decentralisation vision, there is also need to step up efforts aimed at enhancing capacity building in local authorities as one way of ensuring better service delivery to the communities they serve. Most local authorities especially those in the rural areas are in quite a precarious position and are barely able to cope with their mandate.

It is important therefore that deliberate measures are put in place to ensure that councils are empowered. With an efficient, accountable and transparent local government system able to deliver quality service to the people, the long term development objectives of the central government should certainly be made much easier.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous11:52 AM

    Decentralization is the path of light for zambia's economic woes.

    The Centralization syndrome brought about by the Kaunda regime actually benefitted the power that be than the common man. It brought about corruption and forced many people to toe the party line in exchange for crumbs.

    Chiluba promised to do away with Centralization but alas, embraced it in the end and even became a fervent defender, remember when he refused to unbundle the mines and ofloaded the lot to Anglo american .... Mpande got silenced when he tried to voice his concern..

    Levy is still confused with the way forward "treading" warily like a chameleon!

    Masebo as an "economist" is very comfortable with her position even when she's well aware that the billions stashed under her watchful eye for even distribution to the four corners will never reach their intended destination! "Ze pate first!"

    Changombo, kalukungu, kalikili or kashinka will never smell the mint of that dough, "Fyabene beka". I still repeat my words, "Zambia will need a man with real balls" to steer it out of its difficulties, mother country has been wobbling for a long time under the Centralized system.

