
Saturday, December 15, 2007

DEC charges cop for planting drug on businessman

DEC charges cop for planting drug on businessman
By Sandra Mulowa
Saturday December 15, 2007 [03:00]

THE Drug Enforcement Commission (DEC) has charged the police officer who allegedly planted a drug on a Lusaka businessman with drug trafficking. And four police officers, a reserve officer and a southern region Zesco commandant have been arrested for alleged theft, assault and planting a drug on Christopher Malunga, a Lusaka businessman.

Recently, a Kabwata police officer, Albert Hachoose, confessed to having framed Malunga by planting drugs on him.

Hachoose recently pleaded for forgiveness from Malunga in the presence of a criminal investigations officer and other senior officers.

Malunga had explained that police beat and locked him up on September 20, 2007 around 21:45 hours when he had gone to see his brother who was detained at Kabwata Police.

Hachoose was arrested during the week and charged with drug trafficking
DEC public relations and liaison officer Rosten Chulu yesterday said Hachose was expected to appear in court soon.

“Yes, I can confirm that the ball of cannabis was surrendered to us. We also got statements from both the officer (Hachoose) and the victim (Malunga),” he said.
Chulu also said that Hachoose was now under DEC and that the drug weighed slightly over three grams.

He also said that Malunga was cautioned over his statement that DEC was rubbish.
And Malunga on Wednesday said that Hachoose, constable Munalula Liyali of Kabwata police, sub-inspector Malbin Gunduzani, sergeants Muhau Siwisha and Mathew Musumuko were arrested in connection with his case

Police spokesperson Bonnie Kapeso confirmed the arrests and added that they would wait for instructions from the command.

“We have four police officers, one reserve and a Zesco security officer. Police need to get the command to get the suspects to court,” he said.

He said the suspects had been charged with assault and theft.
“Only the one with drugs (Hachoose) has been handed to DEC,” he said.
Kapeso also confirmed that the suspects except Hachoose had been released on police bond.

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