
Monday, December 10, 2007

Govt starts quarterly meetings with Chamber of Mines

Govt starts quarterly meetings with Chamber of Mines
By Joan Chirwa
Monday December 10, 2007 [03:00]

Government has started holding quarterly meetings with the Chamber of Mines in an effort to strengthen the flow of information in the mining sector. The quarterly meetings are as a result of discussions held during the 5th Zambia International Business Advisory Council (ZIBAC) meeting in August this year where it was agreed that a new strategy be mapped in order to enhance the performance of the mining industry in the country.

One of the major reasons for the quarterly meetings, according to mines minister Dr Kalombo Mwansa, is for mining companies to start submitting reports every quarter on their operations in the country.

During an inaugural quarterly meeting for the Ministry of Mines and Minerals Development and the Chamber of Mines in Lusaka on Friday, Dr Mwansa said the government needed to have full information on the operations of the country’s mining sector.

“The purpose of these meetings is to keep the Ministry of Mines and Minerals Development informed on what is going on in the sector through the submission of quarterly reports by mining companies,” Dr Mwansa said.

“There is need for the ministry to have full information of what is happening and this can only be possible if government works closely with the mining companies, through the Chamber of Mines.”

Some of the key areas discussed during the inaugural quarterly meeting of the Ministry of Mines and the Chamber of Mines include the shortage of electricity in the country.

The mines constitute the largest consumers of electricity at around 50 per cent of Zesco’s total generation capacity, which is being supplied by the Copperbelt Energy Corporation (CEC).

Meanwhile, Zambia has this year been awarded with an outstanding achievement award in the mining sector by the International Conference on Mines and Money, an event which was organized by the Mining Journal.

Equinox minerals also won an award for its perseverance and determination in developing the Lumwana project in North Western Province, which commenced exploration works in 1999 at the time when copper prices were at a low of US $0.63 per pound.

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