
Wednesday, December 05, 2007

(HERALD) $107 trillion set aside for dams

$107 trillion set aside for dams
Herald Reporter

GOVERNMENT has set aside $107 trillion towards the completion of six major dams in the country in a move to increase water supply and land under irrigation as well as boost dry land cultivation. The allocation also includes funds for the commencement of work on the long-awaited Kunzwi Dam that has been on the drawing board for the past 10 years.

Water Resources and Infrastructural Development Minister Engineer Munacho Mutezo welcomed the budget allocation for dam construction, saying this would expedite the completion of dam projects.

"We are pleased as a ministry as this gives us resources to finish the projects. There is no way in which funds can be said to be enough but we are grateful that the Ministry of Finance has heeded our calls and availed money for the dam projects.

"We have more dams under our plans but these are the ones that we think are most urgent as they can help Zimbabwe increase agricultural productivity and address water supply problems in the country.

"It is also encouraging that resources have been availed for work to begin at Kunzwi Dam so that we are able secure enough water for Harare and its satellite towns. Now that the resources have been secured, work is expected to commence any time at Kunzwi Dam and other sites in the country," he said.

He said his ministry would continue to lobby for more resources from the Ministry of Finance, given the importance of water in the development of the country.

Presenting the 2008 budgetary estimates last week, the Minister of Finance, Cde Samuel Mumbengegwi, allocated funds for the completion of Bindura, Marovanyati, Tokwe-Mukorsi, Mutange and Shave dams that are expected to ensure potable water for nearby settlements as well as for agricultural activities.

Cde Mumbengegwi said: "Completion of the projects will ensure security of water supplies to nearby settlements as well as provide water for agricultural activities. I propose to allocate $107,3 trillion towards supporting the completion of these dams. I have also included in these allocation resources towards the commencement of work on Kunzvi Dam."

Given the persistent droughts, he said, Government had seen it critical to quicken and expand the rehabilitation of irrigation facilities to ensure agricultural production.

"There is need to develop irrigation infrastructure on existing water bodies such as Osborne and Mutirikwi. I have allocated $89,7 trillion for the development of (these) irrigation schemes," he said.

Under its measures to mitigate the effects of recurrent droughts and weather unpredictability, Government intends to put more than 350 000 hectares of land under irrigation through the Accelerated National Irrigation Programme.

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