
Wednesday, December 19, 2007

LETTERS - NCC Allowances

Misplaced priorities
By Muyoyeta Simasikuuser
Wednesday December 19, 2007 [03:00]

In Zambia, many of us have this sickening problem of unnecessary and extravagant spending. Almost the entire country has a problem of misplaced priorities. For example, a person will buy an expensive designer suit or car, while his or her family are starving at home. This problem is induced from the top by an irresponsible government.

This is a government that can afford to pay K300 million In allowances to individuals gathered at a conference to adopt a constitution that is destined to be a sham, while its own people are dying every day from treatable diseases due to lack of basic drugs and equipment in hospitals. Where are our priorities in this country? Isn’t this irresponsibility of the highest order?

And are the donors watching and approving this mischief? I am going to write a protest letter to all Zambia’s potential donors, asking them to freeze any future aid.

We are also a bunch of hypocrites because even those who talk the loudest to oppose this kind of gross mischief are now silent over the issue. Why? Well, because they are laughing all the way to the bank. They only talk when they are not direct beneficiaries.

But because they are now direct beneficiaries, they are pretending all is well and they are even prepared to fight anyone who stands in their way. Let’s face it, who would resist the temptation of a K300 million?

To be honest even I wouldn’t resist. But I would look myself in the mirror and walk with shame whenever I pass by a funeral procession of starving people who died as a result of lack of basic drugs in our hospitals.

There’s no justification whatsoever on the amount of money being paid to the NCC delegates, other than to buy their souls. The justification being issued by Magande is not satisfactory; i.e. ‘because it was budgeted for, so it’s alright to excessively spend it’. Really?

Aren’t we ashamed in this country? Why do we have this kind of gross mismanagement, misappropriation and extravagant spending in a country where the majority can’t afford basic necessities of life?

Culture of allowances Clinton has been
By Evans C.
Wednesday December 19, 2007 [03:00]

It is a deep-rooted culture in Zambia to award hefty allowances to participants at any meeting or workshop. Most people only attend these meetings to get this money.

This practice is so widespread that whenever a workshop is organised, participants rush in to get their monies and then sit back to wait for another workshop. As can be expected, they don’t even bother to follow through whatever is learnt at these meetings as they are only interested in the money.

This type of greed has introduced corruption; participants are being selected to attend meetings based on friendship and in some cases they are asked to remit part of their allowances to the selecting authority.

We all understand that our salaries are nothing to write home about but surely integrity should prevail. Some meetings are shunned because there are no allowances to be collected. My advice to our leaders is that they should pass laws that will make it illegal for anyone to receive extra money if they are performing duties within their job description.

It is embarrassing to see our managers chasing after allowances; they even go to an extent of ordering junior officers to allow them to sign attendance registers when they did not attend the meetings. Why should a leader be paid to address a meeting that is part of his job description?

Even those outrageous allowances being given to NCC participants are not justified. Which economist came up with these figures? These people attending the NCC are supposed to be ordinary Zambians with the same necessities as everybody else; why then should they be given all that money when they will end up buying food for 20 thousand kwacha only?

Let the things that we do as a country reflect our economic health. No wonder developed countries laugh at our way of doing things in Africa. We always spend more than our income! What a shame!

Hefty NCC allowances
By Natemwa Chabu
Wednesday December 19, 2007 [03:00]

After reading Fr Miha, Muyoyeta Simasiku and Chibuta's insights and concerns on the hefty allowances to NCC delegates, I thought it wise to add my voice to the issue.

Having realised that stealing the "Chiluba way is dangerous", the MMD government has devised an "official method" of plundering our nation through allowances.

Nurses, teachers and other civil servants do not receive such allowances at all. Our MPs and councillors have sitting allowances plus salaries.

In addition, they are going to receive extra allowances for sitting on the NCC! Maybe it is time teachers and nurses got standing allowances as well. As Father Miha said, this is the worst form of plunder in our nation.

Since this form of plunder cannot be justified, we should stop it at all costs. The fact that it was in the budget does not make it right.

The MMD should account for the money plundered by senior government officials in name of "immoral" allowances.

1 comment:

  1. I am going to write a protest letter to all Zambia’s potential donors, asking them to freeze any future aid.

    That is extremely useful. It is important that not only the government is held to account, but the party that issues the grant or loan understands that they have an obligation as well.
