
Sunday, December 16, 2007

NGOCC accuses govt of using money to lure NCC delegates

NGOCC accuses govt of using money to lure NCC delegates
By Inonge Noyoo
Sunday December 16, 2007 [03:00]

THE Non-Governmental Organisations Co-ordinating Council (NGOCC) has accused the government of having lured individuals to participate in the constitution making process by providing them with hefty allowances. NGOCC executive director Marian Munyinda said some members of NGOCC had been approached by the government to go against the NGOCC position not to participate in the NCC.

“We are happy to say that these reports have reached us through the members approached and the unanimous decision arrived at not to participate still stands. We wish to reiterate that our integrity and moral standing will guide us in this matter which I am happy to say is backed by an NGOCC constitution which we always uphold,” she said.

“I take this opportunity to send a categorical message to our members that all NGOCC member organisations will not participate in the NCC as it currently stands unless our issues are taken on board. Members are also reminded that a decision to go against this consensus decision will abrogate the NGOCC constitution and the code of conduct and measures shall apply.”

Munyinda said she was disappointed in the dictatorial manner with which the government had disregarded the people’s will by bulldozing the constitution-making process.

“NGOCC has always wanted to participate in the constitution-making process in as long as the critical issues on the Bill of Rights and women’s rights are taken on board. We the women’s movements are saddened with this development because the displayed dictatorial behavior on the part of our government has yet again denied a chance for more effective participation of women.”

Munyinda said the NGOCC’s little hope that there would be people within NCC to push for the inclusion of socio-economic rights was overshadowed with the undue advantage the government had in the NCC.

“We are quick to note here that the undue advantage the government has in the NCC will deter any well-meaning efforts aimed at inclusion of women’s rights and social economic rights and hence our already communicated conclusion that the outcome of the process is predetermined and in favour of the government of the day,” said Munyinda.

She said those going to the NCC for personal gains will be harshly judged.

“All Zambians have in the recent past demonstrated that there are aware of politicians who have personal visions and will take necessary action when it comes to selecting leaders of integrity,” said Munyinda.

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