
Monday, December 31, 2007

Saki calls on political parties to be pro-poor

Saki calls on political parties to be pro-poor
By Inonge Noyoo
Monday December 31, 2007 [03:00]

UNITED Liberal Party (ULP) president Sakwiba Sikota has emphasised the need for political parties to be pro-poor and not be preoccupied with politicking and business deals. And Sakwiba has announced that he will not enter into any political alliance for the 2011 presidential elections.

In an interview, Sakwiba observed that many poor people in Zambia were not catered for in the parties they belonged. He observed that the poor in Zambia were not given a fair deal because a lot of parties were more interested in business and the corporate world than in taking development where it is needed.

Sakwiba observed that most political parties were not looking at the individual poor and devising ways of helping them but were instead more interested in politicking and being ‘cantankerous’.

He said most parties were not focused on fighting economic injustices and for equity for all Zambians.

“A lot of parties are there for interests of businessmen and the corporate world. Parties are more interested in the micro-economic point of things, they are interested in the corporate world and in making more riches for the rich leaving no one to fend for the poor,” he said.

And Sakwiba said ULP will focus on the obvious party alternative as it campaigns for the 2011 elections.

He said ULP will stand as an individual party in the 2011 elections and was confident of scooping the presidency.

“The last alliance we had was for the purpose of the 2006 elections, it was annulled and now we have decided that we will stand as an individual party. I will contest the presidency and I am confident that we will win the elections because we have been going round reaching more people who have since welcomed our policies and the response has been overwhelming,” he said.

Sakwiba observed that many people in Zambia liked the ULP style of politics as it was basing its campaign on issues that have been lacking on the political scene.

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