
Saturday, December 08, 2007

We are not thieves, charges Panji

We are not thieves, charges Panji
By Sandra Mulowa
Saturday December 08, 2007 [03:06]

WE could have gotten all the wealth we wanted in 27 years if we are thieves, Dr Kenneth Kaunda's son Col Panji has said. Reacting to former president Frederick Chiluba’s insistence that he was ready to prove that he bought Col Panji a vehicle using public funds from the Zamtrop account, Col Panji yesterday said his family could have gotten all the wealth they needed when his father was in power for 27 years.

“...We didn’t because we are not thieves,” Col Panji said. “The Post can ask anybody from Luangwa bridge to Chama if I have ever driven anything other than my current one (vehicle).”

Col Panji said all he wanted was to clear his name.

“It was important to me, it’s (the name) all I have. The Post do me a favour: since they believe I got a vehicle, ask Chiluba to produce the documents related to the vehicle,” Col Panji said. “A vehicle is the physical feature. If it was bought, it must be there somewhere. I can’t betray my father for a vehicle.”

Col Panji said he did not want to drag the issue any further.
“...when a mistake is made with good intentions, a simple sorry goes along way to cement the relationship. Even The Post will once in a million copies make a mistake. This is one of them. The editorial hurt very much,” bemoaned Col Panji.

On Monday during a press briefing, Chiluba said Dr Kaunda’s family should be grateful to him and his government instead of calling him names because he did a lot to help the family, including buying Col Panji a vehicle and Kaweche a house in South Africa.

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