
Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Chituwo ponders MMD presidency

Chituwo ponders MMD presidency
By Bright Mukwasa
Tuesday January 15, 2008 [03:00]

HEALTH minister Dr Brian Chituwo has said he has been contemplating contesting the MMD presidency. However, Dr Chituwo said it was not just a question of one being interested in the position because there were other factors to consider. In an interview, Dr Chituwo said he had thought about the ambition but his current focus was to serve Zambians in his current capacity.

Dr Chituwo, who is also Mumbwa MMD member of parliament, called on Zambians to take keen interest in scrutinising the current MMD leadership and determine its ability to take the country forward when President Mwanawasa’s term of office comes to an end.

Dr Chituwo, who was not willing to divulge much information about his ambition, said it would finally be for MMD members to choose a preferred candidate who could take the party forward.

“I can’t answer such a specific question but I have been thinking about it. Yes my brother, I have been thinking about it though I still have to consult one or two people,” Dr Chituwo said when asked if he was interested in the MMD presidency.

“But I wish to appeal to the people of Zambia to scrutinise the current leadership to see if we are fit to take this country forward.”

“You can deduce from what I have said. I would like to believe that His Excellency President Mwanawasa would prefer that the mandate he was given by the Zambian people is continued and demonstrated when his term of office ends,” he said.

Meanwhile, Dr Chituwo has expressed hope that the health retention scheme for health workers was likely to produce better results this year, thereby lessening the government’s burden of human resource problems in the sector.

He said improved conditions for health workers remained an important factor to the health retention scheme.

“Look at UTH, it has improved more than it was ten years ago. We want this scheme to work,” said Dr Chituwo.

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