
Sunday, January 20, 2008

Govt directs FRA to assess maize stocks countrywide

Govt directs FRA to assess maize stocks countrywide
By Fridah Zinyama and Kabanda Chulu
Saturday January 19, 2008 [03:00]

GOVERNMENT has directed the Food Reserve Agency (FRA) to urgently assess maize stocks in the country in order to determine whether to continue with exports or not. And the Millers Association of Zambia vice chairman Peter Cottan has said it was too early to state if there would be an increase in mealie meal prices because the produce on the market was from last season’s maize stocks.

There have been concerns that maize prices would be increased due to floods that have caused damage to most of the maize and other crop fields especially in Southern, Lusaka and Eastern provinces.

Agriculture deputy minister Daniel Kalenga yesterday said the government was working with the FRA to determine the current maize stocks.

“We have directed the FRA to do a countrywide assessment and then the ministry will make a decision as to whether it will be advisable for FRA to continue with maize exports or not because we are concerned with the heavy rains the country is experiencing as it might affect this year’s farming season,” said Kalenga.

Zambia’s maize production for 2006/2007 farming season had decreased to 1,366,158 metric tonnes from the previous 1,400,000 metric tonnes that was recorded in the 2005/2006 season.

And Cottan said MAZ would only assess maize prices after March when crops were ready.

“It is premature to comment because crops are still small and we don’t know if Zambia will continue experiencing heavy rains, besides the produce on the market were from last season’s maize stocks,” said Cottan. “However, if the rains continue at the current rate many crops including maize will be destroyed and the process will result in shortages of the commodity.”

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