
Monday, January 14, 2008

LETTERS - Contractors

Benefits from mining taxes
By Gady Mwamba Museka, Mazabuka
Monday January 14, 2008 [03:00]

I wish to agree with Mike Banda who wrote in The Post concerning the under-utilised (project implementation) of last year’s budget. If the government failed to implement most of its projects which had been budgeted for, what guarantee can we have as citizens that after high revenue is collected from mining companies, the revenue will be put to good use? As the editorial comment correctly observed, the natural resources are diminishing due to the fact that the investors have come up with high-quality equipment. So, in the next few decades we may run out of some minerals.

Therefore, there is need to start reinvesting in other projects which will sustain the income when some of our minerals diminish. It is not only starting good projects and attaching the budget which is important, but also to fulfil the projects and ensure that there is monitoring of the projects being implemented. It always pains me when I hear or read in the newspapers that road contractors have done a shoddy job and in some instances even abandoned the work after being paid.

Let the government through the Ministry of Finance and National Planning recruit employees (monitoring officers) who will be tasked to ensure that all the projects being funded by the government are being monitored and implemented according to plan and the budget. We are tired of being robbed of our tax money through poor contractors. By the way, is the government aware that the road between Kafue district and Mazabuka district has been damaged in most parts due to heavy rains being experienced in some parts of the country? Let us not wait until accidents or deaths occur before action is taken. Lastly, let me thank The Post for giving Zambians free space to express their views! Keep up the good work!

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