
Friday, January 25, 2008


Konga’s explanation
By Raphael Mukuka Sydney, Australia
Friday January 25, 2008 [03:00]

The explanation from energy and water development minister Kenneth Konga concerning the current electricity power cuts is shallow and does not explain the way forward for Zesco.

The bottom line is that demand for power has increased and Zeasco has not bothered to upgrade its equipment. This is a sign of incompetence by management to plan ahead.
The new mines and other businesses coming up, including population growth, should be matched with bigger and new equipment to cater for the rise in demand.

Zesco seems to be too big to be regulated by officers in Lusaka who are the main key decision makers. It should be divided into regions so that it can work efficiently and respond to its clientele in a shorter time frame.

The current power cuts have made business houses huge losses in production and storage, especially for the people that solely depend on cold storage facilities.

Our dormant opposition parties are quiet, this is the time to shine and tell us options and plans for continuous power supply. We need opposition parties that will give us alternatives to the government’s failed ones so that we know who to vote for in the next elections.

With such problems, how many investors would even think of coming to Zambia? Who would want to leave their comfort zone and join the queue of people facing power cuts all the time?

Let's face facts, MMD has failed and even the news of people advocating Maureen Mwanawasa to contest the presidency is like a punch in the stomach because that will be a third term for Levy.

Levy has spared Sisala in spite all the problems at Zesco. We need new blood to manage Zambia before it completely collapses.

This nation is sliding quickly on a dangerous path and we urgently need people who are courageous to make decisions that will bring development and a better dream for Zambians.

Reduce salary deductions
By Gady Mwamba Museka Mazabuka
Friday January 25, 2008 [03:00]

As the minister of finance is expected to present the national budget today, there is a need to highlight some of the areas which the government must include in the budget.

The tax base must be broadened; this will give workers a relief in terms of Pay As You Earn (PAYE). In the last year’s budget, the government reduced PAYE just by a small margin and this was because of pressure from all the stakeholders, including opposition political parties like the PF. The workers tax has been high for a long time. It is time workers started remaining with a decent income. Zesco has increased the tariffs; water utilities have also increased the tariffs, prices of foodstuffs according to the Jesuit Centre for Theological Reflection have increased as well.

Our salaries are too meagre after deductions through PAYE. We also pay other bills such as high accommodation rentals. That is why many people work for many years but they cannot make any investment so that when they are out of employment, they have some source of income for survival. Pension in most cases is also delayed. Now that the mining companies will be paying tax, let PAYE maximum band be reduced by 20 per cent. And please stop taxing gratuity and other pensionable income!

It is a challenge to our representatives in parliament (MPs) to ensure that when the proposed budget goes for debate, if it will not be pro-poor, then it should be rejected. Twachula pafula!

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