
Wednesday, January 02, 2008

NEPAD notes progress in good governance

NEPAD notes progress in good governance
By Joan Chirwa
Wednesday January 02, 2008 [03:00]

THE New Partnership for Africa’s Development (NEPAD) has said several African countries, Zambia inclusive, made notable progress towards good governance during 2007. And the institution has stated that the quality of governance in African countries this year would be dependent on the extent to which foreign investors require good political governance as a precondition for conducting business.

NEPAD, an African Union (AU) initiative aimed at eradicating challenges faced by African countries, has expressed optimism that the trend in good governance would continue.

In its weekly electronic publication, NEPAD further noted that the initiation of legal proceedings against Zambia’s former president Frederick Chiluba on corruption charges was a good sign of good democratic governance for the country.

“The overriding trend over the year was towards democratic and peaceful changes of political leadership,” NEPAD stated. “Nevertheless, as governance crises persist in Zimbabwe and the Horn of Africa, and as Chinese investors make fewer demands on African countries to respect democratic principles, optimism on the future of good governance in Africa should be tempered with caution.”

NEPAD further stated that Chinese investors, in particular, had been willing to grant developmental and financial assistance with little regard to governance and human rights records, removing the incentive for African countries to comply with standards of good governance.

Sudan, in particular, continued to be the greatest recipient of Chinese foreign direct investment despite a continuing governance crisis in its western Darfur region.
“While standards of governance vary from country to country, there seems to be reason to be optimistic,” NEPAD stated. “More African governments appear to be willing to open themselves to scrutiny and to create more transparent political systems.”

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