
Friday, January 25, 2008

Nepotism in local govt worries Masebo

Nepotism in local govt worries Masebo
By Lambwe Kachali
Friday January 25, 2008 [03:00]

LOCAL government minister Sylvia Masebo has expressed concern at the levels of nepotism and tribal employment in her ministry. Contributing to the debate on President Levy Mwanawasa’s speech to parliament this year, Masebo said the tendency was a threat to development. ”We have seen so much nepotism and tribalism in the way employment is offered in the local authority. There is a lot of nepotism even in transfers, for example, when you want to transfer an employee from Lusaka to Northern Province, they refuse and want their relative in the provinces to take over that particular position. So are many other provinces.

They will say no! We want that person and not this one, just because they are related,” Masebo said. “So, we want to kill and clean up this bad attitude because it is a threat to the ministry. We shall come up with issues that suit the culture of the country. As far as I am concerned, for instance, Chongwe district is the same as Nchelenge, Samfya, Kasama and any other district.”

She said nepotistic and tribal based employment was retarding development not only in her ministry but in all sectors of the economy.

Masebo also said there was need to work hard if the country’s economy and people’s lives were to improve.

“Even this issue of the constitution does not mean that people should stop working. We need to work. Also as the budget will be presented, it is important that the determinant of health, which is clean water, be a priority,” she said.

And responding to a question from Gwembe member of parliament, Brian Ntundu, who wanted to know how much money the Bank of Zambia had spent on staff car loans, finance deputy minister Jonas Shakafuswa said K10 billion was spent on personal to holder car loans.

Shakafuswa said the Bank of Zambia would continue to award better conditions of service to its employees as one way of tackling brain drain in the banking sector.


  1. Anonymous11:22 AM

    I understand in Zambia, there is a family tree phenomenon. So I do not see the reasoning of this Minister. If she wants to succeed, she should start advocating the cleaning up of the Family tree. What ever that means.

  2. What there should be, is hiring based on merit - training, seniority, and just public civil service exams.

    In other words, the professionalisation of government.

    In China, individuals had to sit very tough civil service exams, thousands of years ago.
