
Monday, January 07, 2008

(TIMES) Magande extols Govermnent’s good financial discipline

Magande extols Govermnent’s good financial discipline
By Times Reporter

FINANCE and National Planning Minister, Ng’andu Magande has said the Government last year exhibited good financial discipline, which has resulted in the nation not having a budget overrun. Speaking at a rally at Chiutika Basic school in Mambwe District on Saturday, Mr Magande also said the benefits of the Highly Indebted Poor Countries (HIPC), including the fight against corruption, were now bearing fruit which were trickling down to the people.

He said that some of the benefits were the 18 vehicles that the Government distributed to the districts in Eastern Province during the rally addressed by President Mwanawasa.

He urged the people to take keen interest in knowing some of the Government plans such as the Fifth National Development Plan (FNDP). Mr Magande said the Government had translated the FFNDP into local language so that the people could know what the Government intended to do for them.

At the same rally, Health Minister, Brian Chituwo said the Government last year managed to put a total of 26,000 health personnel on the payroll, while 5,000 other workers were recruited to beef up the workforce in the ministry. Dr Chituwo said the Government was very committed to improving the provision of health services in the country.

Dr Chituwo said Zambia was now certified a polio-free nation due to the good health policies the Government had introduced.

The minister also assured the nation that the country had enough drugs in stock to last for a long time.

Dr Chituwo said in order to continue delivering quality services to the people, the ministry had procured five drug refrigerators for Eastern Province, adding that one would be given to Kamoto Mission Hospital in Mambwe District.

The minister explained that the 18 vehicles that were officially handed over to the eight districts, including hospitals in the province by President Mwanawasa, were part of the vehicles the Government had bought which would be distributed to all the districts and hospitals in the country.

He said one of the two vehicles that were donated to each district should be used as an ambulance.

“These vehicles should be used for the intended purpose of providing health services to the people. You have to ensure that one of these vehicles is used as an ambulance in the district,” He said.

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