
Monday, January 14, 2008

Traditional stereotypes biggest hurdle for Maureen - Mangani

Traditional stereotypes biggest hurdle for Maureen - Mangani
By Post reporters
Monday January 14, 2008 [03:01]

EASTERN Province MMD chairman Lameck Mangani has said traditional stereotypes will be the biggest hurdle for first lady Maureen Mwanawasa should she opt to stand for the Republican presidency. And Southern Province MMD chairman Daniel Munkombwe yesterday said Maureen was one of the best presidential candidates in the party.

But Mission Press director Fr Miha Drevensky has urged Maureen not to heed calls that she goes for the presidency.

Commenting on Northern Province minister Lameck Chibombamilimo’s sentiments that Maureen was presidential material, Mangani also agreed yesterday that Maureen’s credentials qualify her for the presidency.

“My reaction is that it is true that the first lady has very good qualities of making a very good leader,” Mangani said. “She is learnt and she has more experience.”

He pointed out that Maureen had proved her leadership qualities in the way she had ably handled matters in the various international and local organisations she was picked to head.

“The success of any President is dependent on the ability of the first lady to manage affairs of State House and Maureen has done that,” Mangani said. “What seems to be a problem to that is the traditional feeling that a wife cannot take over from the husband. People will think it is a dynasty.”

He said another big question was whether Zambians were ready for a female president or not.

Contributing to the same debate, Western Province MMD chairman Simasiku Namakando assured Maureen of total support from the area should she decide to take a go at the presidency.

“The first lady has a lot of structures and support and we can deliver another 100 per cent win for the MMD if she stands. They have done a lot for this province and we want continuity,” Namakando said. “Democratically speaking, that woman can win here if she stands.”

However, Namakando said the party in the province would wait for President Mwanawasa’s guidance on the matter before making a final decision.
Northern and Copperbelt MMD chairpersons Griver Sikasote and Terrence Findlay declined to comment on the matter.
Southern Province MMD chairperson Munkombwe said Maureen was a brilliant lawyer and was good in all ‘departments’.

He said Maureen was an intelligent woman who was very articulate in analysing issues.
However, Munkombwe said though Maureen was among the many people that qualify, it was important that whoever aspires for presidency goes through a screening process to be determined by the National Executive Committee (NEC) and the convention.

“There are many people who qualify and Maureen is one of them, she is better than others and she is among the best. She is good in all departments and she is a woman.

That makes her better but a woman who qualifies after undergoing the screening process will be much better. MMD has an elaborate screening system which should not be skipped by anyone who aspires for the presidential position,” he said.

Munkombwe said there was no need for name-calling by those who are in support of certain candidates for Republican presidency.

“Like I said on Magande, these people who are being named qualify yes, but there is a system which must be followed even if one qualifies. I myself also qualifies if it was not for the age prohibition because I am 76 years old and as such I must leave such things to the younger members of the party but if it wasn’t for this age thing I would qualify,” Munkombwe said.

“So it is not all about qualifying. It is about qualifying and being screened and approved by the people through NEC. We should not say this one is better than that one, this one is good or this one is a thief because we will be dividing ourselves and quarreling among ourselves.”

Munkombwe said MMD was democratic and people should feel free to float a name they want to support for the presidency.

“Zambians are free to make comments about this president issue and I can assure you we will be getting a lot of such suggestions and I would like to encourage those who are interested in the position to come out in the paper so that we screen them better,” said Munkombwe.

But Fr Miha said Maureen had no presidential qualities and that the country would be headed for trouble if she goes for the presidency.

“She has the qualities of a house wife, not that of a President. No, she can’t,” said Fr Miha.
He said should Maureen agree to go for the Republican presidency, it would be perceived as a tactic by President Mwanawasa to keep his family at State House. Fr Miha said Maureen would have an edge against other candidates because she would have state resources at her disposal in case she agrees to join the presidential campaign.

Choma Central UPND member of parliament George Chazangwe said it would be immoral for Maureen to stand as president.

Chazangwe said it would not be right for Maureen to succeed President Mwanawasa because she would follow in his failures.

“Maureen would make the same mistakes Mwanawasa has made. Every person who Mwanawasa will choose to succeed him will follow in his failures, because he has failed us. And not especially the first lady. We need someone who will not be under the influence of the Prsident, somebody different,” said Chazangwe.

“MMD has been in power for twenty years. It’s time for Zambians to try another leader.”
Reform Party president Nevers Mumba said every individual had the right to run for presidency as long as they were of sound mind.

“It doesn’t matter which person runs for presidency in Zambia as long as they are of sound mind. Every individual has the right to run for presidency as long as the people of Zambia are allowed to choose,” Mumba said.

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