
Tuesday, January 01, 2008

ZMD suspends operations

ZMD suspends operations
By Florence Bupe
Tuesday January 01, 2008 [03:00]

THE Zambia Meteorological Department (ZMD) yesterday temporarily suspended operations following two subsequent power failures. ZMD senior meteorologist Jacob Nkomoki confirmed in an interview that the department had lost vital weather forecasting data as a result of the power failures.

“We have been facing intermittent power failures since yesterday (Sunday) and this has affected our system. Our computer systems are down and we have already instructed our technicians to try and retrieve the lost data,” he said.

Nkomoki disclosed that the data that was lost was the one running from December 30.
However, he explained that there would not be much of a shift during the next few days from the rainfall conditions that characterised the last dekad.

“There hasn’t been much of a change from the last forecast. We expect similar conditions to prevail over the next few days,” he said.

The last dekad from December 11 to 20, 2007 saw the country record widespread rainfall, particularly increased amounts and distribution in Southern Province as a result of Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ) activities.

And ZMD has advised farmers who have not yet completed their planting activities to plant early maturing maize seed as the planting season draws to a close.

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