
Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Africonnect to provide Namwala residents with free computer lessons

Africonnect to provide Namwala residents with free computer lessons
By Kabanda Chulu
Wednesday February 13, 2008 [03:00]

AFRICONNECT Zambia has embarked on programmes to provide free computer and Internet lessons to the people of Namwala district in order to help accelerate development in the area. Company customer relations manager Raymond Kufekisa yesterday said training sessions would be held for a month and the first group would be graduating next week and would be presented with certificates.

“The sessions were producing amazing results as most people did not have any idea of what and how a computer operates. This response has exceeded our expectations so much that we had to divide and make two groups with a total of 119 people in each group. The first part of the training provides basic computer fundamentals while the second explores Internet basics,” Kufekisa said.

“And through these sessions, we hope to empower local people with skills that they will continue to use as the world is fast moving into an information based society and we also hope they will use the Internet for communication, agriculture and education purposes to reduce the cost of communication and increase their living standards by accessing thousands of free education materials on the Internet.”

He said as a way of increasing accessibility and encouraging usage, Africonnect Zambia would be providing free high-speed Internet usage in its Café I Connect that operates within the area to any person interested in using the facility and stay connected to the rest of the world.

And Namwala district commissioner Eunice Nawa, who was part of the first class when the training commenced, was optimistic that the programme would help to increase development in the area.

“People are quickly noticing how much they have been missing out on the World Wide Web as one can note from the amusement on their faces after a demonstration of what the Internet can do and how they can use it and this will help to increase development in the area,” said Nawa.

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