
Monday, February 25, 2008

Budget cut threatens small-scale farmers

Budget cut threatens small-scale farmers
By Bright Mukwasa
Monday February 25, 2008 [03:00]

NIRAS managing director Twisema Muyoya has said small-scale farmers will be hardest hit by government’s decision to reduce budgetary allocation to the agriculture sector this year. In an interview during the launch of Niras Scanagri Zambia, Muyoya said small-scale farmers would have to seek donor support for the sustainability of their programmes.

In this year’s budget, finance minister Ng’andu Magande announced a reduced allocation to agriculture from 8.8 per cent last year to 6.6 per cent.

“Definitely this year’s reduction in the budget in the budget allocation would put pressure on the sector, as you know there are small-scale farmers who are partly supported by the government but since this means reduced support, they would panic looking for donor support in order for them sustain their programmes,” Muyoya said.

Muyoya also called on the government to efficiently utilise the unspent money in last year’s budget allocation to the agriculture sector in order to cushion the pressure on small-scale farmers.

Last year, the government failed to spend about K900 billion of the budgeted money.

Muyoya also disclosed that with the support of the Finnish government, his organisation had embarked on a 10 million euro agricultural programme in Luapula Province.

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