
Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Envoy calls for accountability in poverty reduction programmes

Envoy calls for accountability in poverty reduction programmes
By Chiwoyu Sinyangwe
Tuesday February 05, 2008 [03:00]

ZAMBIA needs mechanisms which will ensure that the government explains to people at the end of every year on how poverty reduction programmes have performed, a senior envoy at the Netherlands Embassy has said. First secretary for Private Sector Development Henry Gerner said in an interview that such means would ensure that national budget and the President’s address to Parliament were evaluated and made accountable and not just be a ‘talking shop.’

Gerner said even cooperating partners also explained to their parliaments how poverty was reduced and how many jobs were created in countries where they offered financial and technical assistance stressing that Zambia needed to take a leaf from that.

“The cooperating partners who are facilitators and keep the principle partners accountable for use and impact of donor resources and technical assistance,” Gerner said.

“At the end of the year, cooperating partners need to explain to their parliaments how poverty was reduced and how many jobs were created, like similarly the government needs to explain to parliament and the Zambian people.”

And Gerner said Zambia still faced the challenge of ensuring that the marginalised and vulnerable sectors of the society like the youths and women were captured in the “economic boom in the country.

“Zambia has improved its business climate over years. Inflation is down, bank loans are a bit cheaper, and you can register a company in a few days, consumers are spending money, a lot of construction going on and new jobs being created,” Gerner said.

“Although there has been a lot of strides, the single largest challenge facing the country is to achieve a broad-based wealth and job creation and in my view that refers to improving the situations in the rural areas and raising rights of women and enhancing their positions and economic opportunities and jobs for youths.”

Gerner also said Zambia Business Forum should agree with the government on certain targets to achieve in 2009 and keep government accountable for achieving these targets. “In my view, that does not exist yet,” said Gerner.

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