
Tuesday, February 19, 2008

HH declares crusade for change

HH declares crusade for change
By Brighton Phiri and Christopher Miti
Tuesday February 19, 2008 [03:00]

OPPOSITION United Party for National Development (UPND) president Hakainde Hichilema has declared that he would use the Kanyama by-election to kick off his crusade for a regime change in Zambia. Addressing hundreds of his supporters at Chitimukulu High School grounds on Sunday, Hichilema said Zambians’ continued suffering called for a revolution that would see the MMD out of government. He expressed confidence in leading a successful regime change unlike some political parties that were being led by tired elderly men.

“When you place us, Sata, Mwanawasa and myself on a starting line for a race, what do you expect? Who will be the first amongst us to touch the finishing line?” asked Hichilema and some of his supporters responded: “HH, HH”.

He said victory in the Kanyama by-election would be a morale booster for the UPND. Hichilema said the country needed someone with a sound mind and the strength to govern its citizens.

“It was after seeing the poverty-stricken faces of Zambians that I abandoned my lucrative businesses to serve them,” he said.

He said it was unacceptable for Zambians, especially the women of Kanyama Compound, to be subjected to waking up around 04:00 hours and walking long distances in search of water when the country had enjoyed its independence for the past 43 years.

“In this era, we need to have water taps on our door steps. You do not expect MMD to stand on an anthill to admit that they have failed. The bad roads, poor sanitation and erratic water supply confirms government’s failure. So let us kick them out,” he said.

“When you see some teachers sleeping in the classrooms, then just know that your government has failed. And when a government fails, it must be kicked out.”

UPND parliamentary candidate Harrison Mukupa said his first task would be to rehabilitate the abandoned clinic building in Kanyama Compound.

UPND election chairman Ackson Sejani said Zambians should begin to demand for the prosecution of leaders who neglected the welfare of their people.

“The degree of neglect of Kanyama by the MMD government calls for the prosecution of President Mwanawasa,” Sejani said. “If I was a judge I was going to sentence President Mwanawasa to life imprisonment for neglecting Kanyama.”

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