
Saturday, February 02, 2008

Katele urges MMD leadership not to intimidate aspiring candidates

Katele urges MMD leadership not to intimidate aspiring candidates
By Ntalasha Mutale
Saturday February 02, 2008 [03:00]

MMD national secretary Katele Kalumba has urged the party leadership to create an enabling environment during campaigns for everyone who has presidential aspirations. Commenting on MMD members that have shown interest in standing for the party presidency so far, Kalumba urged leaders in the party not to intimidate those that were aspiring no matter how large the number would be.

“There is no individual bigger than the party. Those aspiring for presidency should be given a level playing field. Even if the number will go to 20. Let the party go to the convention in one peace to find their new leader,” Kalumba said. “Let’s be neutral and focused to ensure that the aspirations of our members are listened to. Only, the best should win.”

Asked whether he would stand for the party presidency, Kalumba could neither deny nor confirm. And Kalumba said MMD should practice intra-party democracy before preaching it to the people.

“MMD is not perfect. But I believe that compared to other political parties, it is better. There is need for the party to maintain a good management system to invest more in terms of building political capacity,” he said.

Health minister Dr Brian Chituwo, home affairs minister Lt Gen Ronnie Shikapwasha, United Kingdom-based Professor Clive Chirwa and information minister Mike Mulongoti have shown interest in standing for the MMD presidency.

And Kalumba said Zesco could have foreseen and prepared for the power outages the country has been experiencing for the past few weeks.

“The Ministry of Energy is not being aggressive with attracting new investors beyond Zesco in developing new power supply. The demand Zambia is facing is much larger than the existing projects it has,” Kalumba said.

Kalumba also commended the government for choosing the China Geo Engineering Cooperation to construct the Kashikishi-Luonga road, saying they were doing a good job.


  1. Anonymous3:09 PM

    Good words coming from Katele!

  2. Right. Maybe the MMD conference is going to be more democratic than the President hinted at.
