
Wednesday, February 20, 2008

LETTERS - Governance

Resource distribution
By Francis Mwelwa Bwalya
Wednesday February 20, 2008 [03:00]

Our President will be the most expensive if the report of the K48 billion health allocation is anything to go by. How many health facilities can be built or benefit from such a colossal sum of money? In light of this, how does it make him feel? Blessed? Our hospitals lack even panadol and specialist treatment is still the old story of unimaginable, abnormal and obnoxious appointments.

Surely, something somewhere is terribly wrong. Anyhow what is left for the common man? Where is the care? Where are the promises of improved health care? We are taking wrong turns and we will have ourselves to blame. Let’s have equitable distribution of resources to all and for all Zambians.

Economic development
By Raphael Mukuka,Australia
Wednesday February 20, 2008 [03:00]

MMD boasts of good policies that have brought about development and hence the power shortages because of high demand.

What is development if you don’t have electricity 24 hours a day? It's unfortunate that we also lack investigative journalism to fully inform the nation why there is a continuous national power cut and unexplained load shedding.

If the money for all the trips the President is making and other unnecessary businesses can be found, what about the money to replace the generators that we have been told cannot handle the huge demand because of the ‘developments’ in the nation?
A few years ago when we experienced load shedding, we were told that it was because of the drought, but now we have floods and we are being told that the huge demand for electricity is too much for the generators.

Don’t tell us that the problems of load shedding the people are facing are beyond Zesco. The company was formed to provide electricity and not perpetuate people’s lives with load shedding. The current load shedding is negating development and it’s unfair to expose peoples trust in the government to run national affairs in such a manner.

Why should you pay for a service that is erratic and is cut off at the provider's timetable, leaving you to figure out how you will cook and attend to other household chores.

By Triple M
Wednesday February 20, 2008 [03:00]

I write as a sad man after reading the Auditor General’s report in The Post (12th February, 2008).

Honestly, what has gone wrong in the government ministries? Billions if not trillions of kwacha are going unaccounted for and the AG is not making positive recommendations other than reporting the lack of accountability. This is the reason some companies are evading taxes because after all, they are not properly accounted for.

Finally, I feel Zambia is not poor but it’s poorly managed.

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