
Sunday, February 03, 2008

LETTERS - Youth empowerment funds

Youth empowerment funds
By Clergyman
Sunday February 03, 2008 [03:00]

Allow me to add to Jerry Shimaponde's letter concerning his disappointment over the delayed release of the Youth Empowerment Fund (The Post, January 30, 2008). I cannot believe that the people that we want to empower are the ones we are "milking" by asking them to spend as much as K110, 000 just for application forms and registration. That is enough capital in itself.

But my point is; we lack people who have the will power, with a sense of urgency; we seem to take things for granted. We do not have concern for one another. Why should it take three months or more to release funds that are actually an empowerment resource for the youth?

This bureaucracy has to end now if ever we want to see our country move forward with pride. People spend more time on tea/coffee breaks than they do on the duties assigned to them for the good of every Zambian (who is their employer anyway).
While the word love may be mainly affiliated to romanticism, I certainly feel that a little love for our youth will go a long way in conquering all odds. There's just too much selfishness and jealousy among ourselves when we see others progress. Let the investigative wings check this corruption.

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