
Friday, February 15, 2008

Mauritians start investing in Zambia's sugar production

Mauritians start investing in Zambia's sugar production
By Chibaula Silwamba
Friday February 15, 2008 [03:00]

VISITING Mauritius Minister of Foreign Affairs, International Trade and Cooperation Madan Dulloo has disclosed that some Mauritians have started investing in sugar production in Zambia. And Dulloo said his government and the Zambian government are seriously discussing the possibility of setting up direct flights between the two countries. In an interview in Lusaka, Dulloo said Mauritius experts had invested in sugar production in Madagascar, Mozambique and were now moving to Zambia.

“I don’t have the figures of how much they are investing in Zambia but I know there is an area very close by (in Lusaka) where they have set up their plantation and sugar factory. They are now setting up their residential area to accommodate expertise from Mauritius and outside and start production here,” Dulloo said. “We have done this in Madagascar and Mozambique and we can do it in Zambia.”

He said Zambia was fortunate to have vast land which Mauritius did not have.
“There is a possibility of our people investing and sharing our experiences and know-how in certain areas of agriculture.

As you know we have a lot of expertise in sugar cane production and use the by-products like biomass for electricity and biofuel,” he said. “On the economy of scale, you are more interesting than Mauritius because you have vast tracks of land and you have tremendous potential in agriculture.”

Dulloo said the non availability of a direct flight between Zambia and Mauritius was one of the biggest impediments to trade.

“We are discussing seriously now on establishing air links between Lusaka and Mauritius and I think there is a possibility and this will enable us to have more exchanges, free movements of people and goods,” said Dulloo.

“We believe that bilateral trade between Zambia and Mauritius has great potential and this is why I have just nominated an honorary consul in Lusaka to represent our interests. I have discussed with your government with my colleagues the minister of foreign affairs and minister of trade, so we are very happy that we are also going to have a consul in Mauritius to promote exchanges, trade and investments between our two countries.”

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