
Friday, February 01, 2008

Milner attempts to reconcile Kaunda and Chiluba

Milner attempts to reconcile Kaunda and Chiluba
By Brighton Phiri
Friday February 01, 2008 [03:00]

VETERAN politician Aaron Milner has held separate private talks with Dr Kenneth Kaunda and former president Frederick Chiluba in a bid to reconcile them. Milner, who served as home affairs minister in the UNIP government, disclosed that he begun talking to Dr Kaunda and Chiluba last year on the need for them to reconcile and begin talking to each other.

"I am happy that both Dr Kaunda and Dr Chiluba have agreed to my proposal for them to meet," Milner said. "Dr Chiluba took over from Dr Kaunda, and for the sake of peace and unity which Dr Kaunda built, there is urgent need for the two former presidents to be in talking terms."

Milner asked Chiluba to swallow his pride and make up for his mistakes by apologising to Dr Kaunda for everything that he did wrong against him.

"As a founding father and elder statesman, Dr Kaunda deserves all our unreserved respect," he said. "If Dr. Chiluba wants Zambians to respect him then he must respect the old man (Dr Kaunda). It is a fact that no political leaders in Zambia today will measure up to the sacrifices which Dr Kaunda made for mother Zambia."

Milner described his meeting with Chiluba at latter's Kabulonga residence as fruitful and progressive. He said it was encouraging that Chiluba was receptive to his proposal for him to meet Dr Kaunda at the earliest possible time.
He said the bitter exchange of word between Dr Kaunda and his successor in the press was not good for the country.

"I am determined to bring the two leaders together as soon as possible for the good of our country," he said.

Milner urged political leaders to stop exchanging insults in public. He said the leaders should disagree on policy without throwing insults at each other, as it was a wrong precedent for the future leadership.

"I know some people may be wondering why I have taken such a step. I dealt with internal differences among the liberation movements in the region and managed to bring the warring parties together," said Milner.

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