
Tuesday, February 26, 2008

(TIMES) Economic sectors given ultimatum to develop codes

Economic sectors given ultimatum to develop codes
By Business Reporter

ALL economic sectors in Zambia have been given six months in which to develop sector codes which would indicate how each sector can participate in the Citizens Economic Empowerment (CEE) programme. CEE chairman, Jacob Sikazwe, said the economic empowerment sector codes would indicate how each sector would participate in the CEE through the provision of opportunities and resources to enhance involvement of citizens in ownership, management and control of national assets.

Mr Sikazwe said over the weekend at Lusaka’s Mika Lodge when he launched guidelines on the development of sector codes that all sectors should begin the process now and come up with the codes within six months.

He said the guidelines would provide a frame work to guide the sectors in coming up with the practical measures for successful implementation of the CEE in Zambia.

“We expect that the development of the codes will be an all inclusive process that will involve all stakeholders such as the major enterprises within each sector, professional associations, the Government, trade unions and civil society,” Mr Sikazwe said.

He said to kick start the process of developing the sector codes, the commission has identified sectors that are considered critical to the development of the economy and whose participation is considered crucial for the success of the programme.

The sectors include financial services, mining, manufacturing, construction, transport, energy, information and communication technology, retail and trade services.

The development of the sector codes is in accordance with the CEE Act which states that the sector codes would assist the commission and individual sectors to measure the economic progress made in achieving broad-based economic empowerment.

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