
Monday, February 18, 2008

(TIMES) State to take economic growth benefits to all

State to take economic growth benefits to all
By Times Reporter

GOVERNMENT is in a hurry to translate the country’s economic growth to the lowest levels in the country, Permanent Secretary for economic planning and development, James Mulungushi has said. Speaking when he inspected some developmental projects in Kazungula District at the weekend, Dr Mulungushi said having attained economic growth, the State now wanted to take growth down to the local people through poverty reduction programmes.

He said the Government was eager to do this through improved agriculture, infrastructure development and improved provision of social services such as education and health to the local communities.

Dr Mulungushi said when he inspected the construction of the Kazungula High School that, he was pleased with the progress, but encouraged the contractor, Zamchin Construction to work with the local people. He said while the education sector was critical, the Government still considered the progression rate as poor because not all were able to access the facilities, hence its commitment to taking the facilities close to the people.

“You must ensure coordination through the provincial administration and visit the headmen or the chief in this area because this is their project, they need to know about what is going on in their area,” Dr Mulungushi advised the contractor.

At the Kazungula Pontoon, Dr Mulungushi found more than 100 trucks awaiting clearance on the Zambian side. He said the slow pace at which trucks were moving was denying the country the much needed revenue. Dr Mulungushi said the construction of the bridge on the Zambezi River would enhance collection of revenue and trade with neighbouring countries. He said the bridge across the Zambezi River would benefit the entire Southern African Development Community.

And Southern Province Permanent Secretary, Darius Hakayobe said Government had put health and education as critical sectors whose service provision must not be compromised. Mr Hakayobe said his administration monitored 26 contracts every three months last year to ensure they were executed according to specifications.

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