
Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Zesco to probe sources of system failure

Zesco to probe sources of system failure
By Maluba Jere
Wednesday February 13, 2008 [03:00]

ZESCO board chairperson Wamundila Muliokela has said the board of directors has resolved to carry out an independent technical audit to identify possible sources of system failures. Muliokela said the audit would be independent of management and that it would provide a basis for the board to monitor the maintenance of Zesco infrastructure and institute remedial measures to avoid a re-occurrence of the recent events.

“To address the current challenges of power deficits facing Zambia, the board resolved to be open and transparent to the public in the manner it will conduct its business,” he said. “For instance, the board will ensure that the power rehabilitation programme is accelerated and completed as quickly as possible.”

He said the power outages and load shedding being experienced in the country were mainly due to the power deficits and related to the power rehabilitation programmes, but added that there were other power outages due to internal operational challenges.

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