
Sunday, March 02, 2008

Chiluba in land dispute with Govt

Chiluba in land dispute with Govt
By Brighton Phiri
Sunday March 02, 2008 [03:00]

FORMER president Frederick Chiluba has protested against government's decision to deny him his preferred piece of land for construction of a residential house near Boabab College on Kafue Road in Lusaka. Reacting to lands minister Bradford Machila's announcement that government would find a new place to build Chiluba a house because his preferred choice was no longer available, Chiluba - who spoke through his spokesperson Emmanuel Mwamba - disclosed that he sent Mwamba to register his protest at Machila's office immediately after his statement.

"I have rejected the government's move to find me another place. In accordance with the law, I applied for a piece of land where government was supposed to build me the house in fulfilment of my retirement benefits," Chiluba said. "I applied for land that is suitable for my house. I submitted the application through the then minister of lands Ludwig Sondashi and later pursued the matter with former lands minister Judith Kapijimpanga."

Chiluba wondered why government had changed its position when last year a team of representatives from Cabinet office, Ministry of Lands and Ministry of Works and Supply accompanied him to the site for inspection and assured him that his preferred choice would be made available to him.

"On May 4, 2007, a government team led me to Baobab area to see my choice of land and I was assured that the land I had chosen will be made available to me. What has changed?" he asked.

Chiluba said the government delegation assured him that as soon as he approved the architectural designs of his house, construction work would commence. He said he was surprised to hear from Machila that his preferred choice of land would not be made available to him.
He asked President Mwanawasa's government to ensure that they fulfilled the requirement of the law over his entitlements and that budgetary allocation for his house should be executed.

Chiluba expressed fear that the government was using the administrative tool to delay the construction of his house.

"We have heard that the Baobab land is on title to Legacy Holdings. But Legacy's title should not affect me because I made my application much earlier than Legacy Holdings," he said.

Mwamba confirmed having a meeting with Machila over Chiluba's preferred piece of land. He said another meeting over the matter had been set for tomorrow.

But Machila yesterday expressed ignorance over government's assurances that Chiluba would be given his preferred choice of land.
"I do not know how we shall proceed, now that they have gone public. I will wait to hear from them," Machila said.

Last Wednesday, Machila said government would find new land through the Ministry of Works and Supply, which was responsible for the construction of Chiluba's house.

1 comment:

  1. After all his asset's are seized by court orders it would be good of Goverment to give Chiluba a plot of NICE land in Kanyama or Missisi.
