
Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Chiluba sold us to Levy, charges Sata

Chiluba sold us to Levy, charges Sata
By Chibaula Silwamba, Mwila Chansa and Kelvin Tembo
Tuesday March 04, 2008 [03:00]

CHILUBA is now a slave, Patriotic Front (PF) president Michael Sata has said. Addressing a rally on Sunday in Lusaka’s Kanyama compound where he went to thank Kanyama voters for electing PF’s Colonel Gerry Chanda as member of parliament in last month’s by-election, Sata likened former president Frederick Chiluba to slave traders in the Bible who were also captured as slaves at the end of their mission of selling slaves.

“You remember there was a person who was getting people from Israel and selling them as slaves in Egypt. Chiluba sold us to Levy Mwanawasa and now even himself is feeling the impact of what he did to this country. He is also a slave. Chiluba is not seeing peace, he is not sleeping properly,” Sata said.

“The law says when a president leaves office, he must choose a plot where his house should be built but Pharaoh President Mwanawasa says no! ‘Chiluba no house, your home will be prison’.”

And reacting to defence minister George Mpombo who said he was being a lumpen for threatening to organise countrywide demonstrations over power blackouts, Sata in an interview yesterday said Mpombo was associated with energy scandals when he served as energy minister.

“He is defending Sisala because they are both members of the family tree. Ministry of Energy permanent secretary Peter Mumba is much more intelligent than Mpombo because Mumba has an answer to the power problems but unfortunately he is not a minister and he is not so close to President Mwanawasa like Mpombo,” Sata said.

And Sata said he did not want to go to State House in 2011 if people’s suffering continued.

“In fact, don’t say that 2011 Sata must be in State House. I don’t want to go to State House,” Sata said. “Ladies and gentlemen who are here, for me to go to State House and become president while you are poor and suffering, it is better that we continue living together the way we are.”

And Sata said people love the PF but he warned party leaders against quarreling among themselves.

“Stop fighting and quarreling among yourselves. You should be working together. People love PF but the problem is with leaders. You should go round mobilising members,” Sata advised. “Even if the MMD says PF won by a small margin, still we have beaten them.

A loser always has an excuse. We have always been emerging victorious in by-elections; this means we are still going strong. PF is a strong party; therefore I thank all PF members in Kanyama for your hard work during the campaigns.”

Sata charged that President Mwanawasa forgot about the people who elected him after he was voted into office.

“Mwanawasa is in State House, he has forgotten about you. Here in Kanyama, every household is supposed to be a State House, so that when the president is passing by he can even make a stop and ask for water to drink from any home,” Sata said.
Sata said Kanyama constituency needed about four secondary schools.

“And Kanyama does not need a clinic; it needs a hospital because its population is even bigger than that of Solwezi district in North Western Province,” he said.

“Leadership is not about playing with people’s well-being and lives; it’s not about playing with people’s happiness. Mwanawasa is suppressing our happiness,” he said. “Members of parliament and councilors in Lusaka, you saw the filth along the road we used when coming here, remove the mayor of Lusaka from office because he is not cleaning the city.”

Sata said he had taken Col Chanda and a new councilor he identified as Sinyangwe to Kanyama to publicly advise them to work for the people, not for personal benefit.

“If Col Chanda and Sinyangwe don’t perform, you as the residents should inform me so that we remove them,” he said. “You members of parliament, if you don’t serve the people properly they will remove you from your positions and you will fade and become poor.”

Sata warned Col Chanda that they would part company if he decided to participate in the National Constitutional Conference (NCC).

“Col Chanda, I am warning you, if you decide to go, then bye-bye!” warned Sata.

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