
Sunday, March 30, 2008

Correa demands justice on culprits of Cuito Cuanavale battle

Correa demands justice on culprits of Cuito Cuanavale battle
By Bright Mukwasa
Sunday March 30, 2008 [04:00]

CUBAN Ambassador to Zambia Francisco Correa has demanded justice on the people who committed crimes during the battle of Cuito Cuanavale in Angola. And Angolan Ambassador to Zambia Pedro de Morais Neto said the battle of Cuito Cuanavale remains the bloodiest battle fought on the African soil.

During the commemoration of the 20th anniversary of the Cuito Cuanavale in Lusaka on Friday at Cresta Golfview Hotel, Ambassador Correa said the victorious outcome of the battle of Cuito Cuanavale symbolised the completion of Cuba's internationalist mission.

The battle of Cuito Cuanavale involved Angola and Cuba against apartheid South African forces and Angola's rebel movement UNITA from .

Ambassador Correa said justice should prevail on the culprits of the battle of Cuito Cuanavale.

"At this point I want to make a call of justice. It is high time that those who committed such horrible crimes and massacres in Angola, Namibia and South Africa and elsewhere be brought to book," he said.

"Everybody knows they are walking freely in the streets of South Africa without being disturbed. We denounce that situation. The crimes and the victims cannot be forgotten, the perpetrators have to be tried and sentenced to jail. On behalf of the victims, we demand justice and hope to receive support on this sensible issue."

Ambassador Correa observed that the battle of Cuito Cuanavale was influential to the attainment of Angola's independence and saluted the soldiers that fought the battle.
He said the battle remains of immense value for Cuba to have assisted some African countries from the yoke of colonialism, and its injustices.

Ambassador Correa also condemned the continued economic blockade on Cuba by the United States, which is the longest in history.

And Ambassador Neto said the battle of Cuito Cuanavale remains the bloodiest battle fought on the African soil, not even in the last century.

Ambassador Neto observed that the battle of Cuito Cuanavale did not only make the struggle for independence possible in Angola, but it freed that country from the yoke of apartheid.
He commended Cuba for its sacrifice of resources and people to ensure that the region was freed from the injustice it suffered during that time.

Ambassador Neto described the stance of people that took part in the battle as brave.
And Africa National Congress (ANC) executive member Reggie September observed that the help Cuba offered during the battle of Cuito Cuanavale cemented the continued cooperation that country has continued to render to many African countries.

"Cuba should be commended for its selfless internationalist commitment. It was sad then that our countries had to fight against its colonizers. Cuba helped in this, a great deal...such comradeship is unforgettable,'' September said.

September, who shed tears during his presentation, also said there was need to emulate the heroes of the Cuito Cuanavale.

Namibian High Commissioner Salomon Josephat Witbooi, who was represented by First Secretary Taati Ester Matengu, said the Cuito Cuanavale remains a manifesto of the anti-imperialist solidarity that brought freedom and restored dignity in the sub continent.
Ambassador Witbooi said the Cuito Cuanavale had contributed to the efforts of the progressive forces to rid Africa of the last vestige of apartheid colonialism on the continent.

"I would like to pay tribute to those who laid down their lives in order to achieve freedom and independence we cherish. These are gallant sons and daughters of Angola, Cuba and Namibia, thanks for the peace loving people of the World led by the Cuban people,'' Ambassador Witbooi said. "Thanks should be given to Presidents Fidel Castro of Cuba, Jose Eduardo dos Santos of Angola and Sam Nujoma of Namibia for their visionary leadership."

And Press Freedom Committee of The Post (PFC) chairperson Chansa Kabwela said the Cuito Cuanavale battle could be cited as one of the memorable examples of bravery and sacrifice of internationalists aimed at upholding the dignity of people.

"For us, the immense sacrifices made by our colleagues consolidate our resolve to fight for a just world in which all human beings are treated with respect and dignity.

We should, as human beings, be able to challenge the injustices and imbalances we see in our society today. The powerful nations continue to oppress the weaker nations through various forms of injustice," said Kabwela. "This day gives us an opportunity to seriously remind ourselves about our own contributions towards the transformation of the world today. I would like to challenge all of us to take positions that will influence restoration of fairness and human dignity to all people."

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