
Sunday, March 16, 2008

(DAILY MAIL) ‘Enact consumer protection law’

‘Enact consumer protection law’

GOVERNMENT has been urged to expedite the enactment a comprehensive consumer protection law as the country commemorates the World Consumer Rights Day. The Consumer Rights Day, which falls on March 15, is an annual event commemorated worldwide. Zambia Consumer Association (ZACA) executive secretary, Muyunda Ililonga said in an interview yesterday that the association was happy that Government had for the time, taken the effort to celebrate the World Consumer Rights Day.

Mr Ililonga said the commemoration of the day was a sign of the beginning of a cordial relationship that would recognise the rights of consumers.

He said issues of consumer rights had been included in the drafted constitutions highlighting the importance of enacting a comprehensive consumer protection law.

Mr Ililonga said Government should address concerns by consumers like increases in goods and services.
“Sky-rocketing prices of goods and services are making cost of living very expensive for Zambians,” he said.

He also called on Government to strengthen institutions such as the Zambia Bureau of Standards and Zambia Weights and Measures Agency.

“There is need to strengthen the statutory bodies because the country has been flooded with substandard products and under weight goods following the liberalisation of the economy,” he said.

He said it was important for Government to critically look at the plight of rural consumers and the disabled people.

Earlier, Commerce, Trade and Industry, permanent secretary, Davidson Chilipamushi, in a statement said, “The ministry has this year initiated the commemoration of this important day under the theme: “Raising Awareness on Consumer Rights and Obligations.”

Mr Chilipamushi said the ministry has lined up activities that would start from Northmead Shopping Centre, then inspection of shops and the market by the Commerce Trade and Industry minister, Felix Mutati.

He said this would be followed by a march to Arcades where Mr Mutati would give a speech.

The ministry has since called on all regulators, statutory bodies, civic groups, community based organisations, local Government authorities, schools, service providers and all consumers to participate in the Consumer rights day.

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