
Sunday, March 16, 2008

Education is one of govt's major concerns, says Levy

Education is one of govt's major concerns, says Levy
By Chibaula Silwamba
Sunday March 16, 2008 [03:00]

THE growing population of young people is a challenge to the government’s efforts to improve the education sector, President Levy Mwanawasa has said. And education minister Professor Geoffrey Lungwangwa has said the traditional belief that government would always provide all requirements of schools and institutions of higher learning was a misconception that must be removed from the minds of students, teachers and lecturers.

Officiating at a fundraising dinner for Chengelo School at Mulungushi International Conference in Lusaka on Friday, President Mwanawasa said excellence in the education of Zambia’s children was the foundation for the future.

“Education is one of my government’s major concerns and we are making noticeable progress in this sector. We are introducing degree programmes at two of our leading institutes, Nkrumah Teachers’ Training College and Copperbelt Secondary Teachers College.

“More teachers are being trained and upgraded in our various institutes,” President Mwanawasa said.

“However, these government efforts are being challenged by the growing population of young people and the requirements for the highest quality of education.”

He said, therefore, the government needed input from the private sector and independent schools in the country as partners. He said Chengelo School founded 20 years ago, was one of the first private schools in Zambia.

“I stand before you this evening, not only as President of the Republic of Zambia, but as a proud parent of Chengelo School and as patron of the Zambia International Youth Award Programme based at Chengelo’s outdoor centre near Mkushi,” President Mwanawasa said.

“Strong academic results have always been a hallmark of the school.”
And Prof Lungwangwa said the Ministry of Education had given full support to institutions of learning to find ways of raising funds to support their activities.

“It is my ministry’s policy to support the initiatives of self sustaining and income generating activities of schools,” said Prof Lungwangwa.

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