
Monday, March 17, 2008

Emusa/Chikwa rd rehabilitation delays worry Eastern MPs

Emusa/Chikwa rd rehabilitation delays worry Eastern MPs
By Christopher Miti
Monday March 17, 2008 [03:00]

MEMBERS of parliament from Chama South and Chansefu constituencies have expressed disappointment over the delay by the Eastern Province administration and the roads department to complete the rehabilitation works of the Emusa/Chikwa road. Mines deputy minister Boniface Nkhata said it was unfortunate that the road was abandoned despite being funded K555 million in last year’s budget.

“I know that this road was allocated some funds something like K555 million because I’m a former minister of the province, but why is it that rehabilitation works have been abandoned? They stopped at Chasato game area. I have asked the roads engineer about this but all he tells me is that I should ask the provincial administration.

I can say anything on this matter because am disappointed if there is somebody who wants to counter react let him do so,” he said.

Nkhata said the stretch of the road that had not been repaired was in a very deplorable state.

“The abandoning of this project pains me because I fought for the release of this money. Now that the project has been abandoned I don’t know where the other money to go for this project would come from,” said Nkhata.

And Chifumu Banda who is also FDD vice-president appealed to government and the Road Development Agency (RDA) to check on the abandoned project.

Eastern Province minister Charles Shawa said he would investigate the matter because he was new in the province.

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