
Friday, March 28, 2008

Findlay hits back at Shakas

Findlay hits back at Shakas
By Patson Chilemba, Masuzyo Chakwe, Lambwe Kachali and Fridah Z
Friday March 28, 2008 [03:00]

SUSPENDED MMD Copperbelt provincial chairperson Terence Findlay yesterday hit back at Jonas Shakafuswa saying he is a "bad seed" who must be rooted out of the party and the government. And the women movement yesterday petitioned President Levy Mwanawasa over Shakafuswa's remarks against women with one of their placards reading: "Slaughter the economy, not women".

Meanwhile, Chikankata UPND member of parliament Munji Habeenzu has formally written to Speaker of the National Assembly Amusaa Mwanamwambwa over the verbal attack by Shakafuswa.

Commenting on Shakafuswa's threat to beat Habeenzu over his statements that members of parliament had turned Parliament Motel into a brothel, Findlay said Shakafuswa's outbursts had caused injury to many people.

Findlay said it was unfortunate that Shakafuswa kept on threatening people.

He said it was more worrying that he extended his harsh language to the women.

"I've been vindicated now that his outbursts are a problem to people.

People can see that I've done nothing wrong. It's him who is being a problem. Bad seeds like Shakafuswa should not be in the party and government," Findlay said. "I'm advising the party leadership that there is a bad seed in that. He's a small little boy in the party."

And the women who assembled at Cabinet Office carried placards with messages demanding the removal of Shakafuswa from his position as deputy minister finance.

As the women were chanting anti-Shakafuswa slogans, the police informed them that they had no right to demonstrate because they had no permit.

But the women said they were not demonstrating but merely petitioning the President.

NGOCC executive director Engwase Mwale said the women were not breaking the law but merely trying to raise concern and ensure that Zambia had quality leaders.

Mwale said the issue of forgiveness was one thing and the type of role models the country should have was another.

Among the organisations that attended include NGOCC, Women for Change, Zambia National Women's Lobby and Young Women Christian Association, Empowerment of Prisoners' Wives and Children, Young Women in Action, Lusaka Muslim Women, Zambia Federation of Women in Business.

And in the petition that was handed to Vice-President Rupiah Banda, the women movement demanded for the immediate removal of Shakafuswa from leadership for his lack of respect towards women.

"The minister's derogatory remarks abrogates the spirit of ensuring a just world for the women of Zambia. We are further concerned that the remarks are a drawback on the strides that Zambia has made towards addressing the HIV and AIDS pandemic.

We are concerned Mr President that the contribution that you have made to the progress for gender equality in Zambia, will be negated by the retrogressive actions and statements of your ministers," they stated.

They expressed shock that a leader at the level of minister could express such unbecoming language against women and promote the use of Parliament as a brothel for leaders who have the 'money' to spend.

The women noted that the HIV and AIDS pandemic had hit women more than men due to their low social-economic status that prevented them from making sexual decisions to an extent where they were victims of sexual abuse and exploitation.

And in his letter dated March 27, 2008 and addressed to the Speaker Mwanamwambwa, Habeenzu stated that he and his family were now living under extreme stress and fear, as they did not know when Shakafuswa would execute his intentions.

"On the night of Thursday 19th March 2008 at about 22:45 hours, I went to the Speaker's bar. Upon my arrival, Honourable Jonas Shakafuswa M.P started hurling insults at me in presence of so many Honourable members of parliament and civil servants.

Notable among those that were present were Hon Moses Muteteka M.P, Honourable Vincent Mwale M.P, Honourable David Matongo M.P, Hon Douglas Syakalima M.P, Honourable Toddy Chilembo M.P, Honourable Garry Nkombo M.P, Honourable Clever Silavwe M.P and Honourable Paul Sichamba M.P. Sir, unfortunately, also present at the Honourable Speaker's bar were a number of journalists from various media houses," the letter read in part.

"Honourable Shakafuswa verbally assaulted and physically intimidated me, accusing me of having caused discourse at his home by the manner in which I debated the Ministry of Health vote more than 10 days prior to this incident. In my debate on the floor of the House, I never referred Parliament Motel as a brothel in the manner that Hon Shakafuswa strongly suggested in his verbal assault against me.

Further to this unfounded accusation, he insisted that these activities must be left to those people who have got money to pay for sex and that since I was poor, an idiot and an imbecile, if I continued debating in the manner that he accused me of, he would resort to beating me up."

Habeenzu stated he was surprised and still remained in a state of shock at the manner Shakafuswa behaved.

"Sir, before I could even ask why I was being accosted in the manner that the deputy minister conducted himself, Honourable members who included Hon David Matongo, Hon Moses Muteteka requested me not to respond and to leave.

I obliged and Hon Vincent Mwale led me out of the place. Mr Speaker, I now wish to know through your office as to why the Honourable deputy minister elected to harass and threaten me over an issue that I debated on the floor of the House 10 days later in the bar.

I am humbly seeking your indulgence, Sir, that this matter is addressed in order for my family and I to continue enjoying freedom of speech, association and most of all liberty," stated Habeenzu.

And United Party for National Development (UPND chairperson for women affairs Masela Chinyama said she felt for Florence Shakafuswa in her pain as "a victim of the husband".

Chinyama said there were a lot of women today who could say with a clear conscience that they had not been to bed with any other man except their husbands. "I am one of them," she said.

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