
Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Fr Muntunu calls for probe into LCM's removal of mining winders

Fr Muntunu calls for probe into LCM's removal of mining winders
By Zumani Katasefa
Wednesday March 12, 2008 [03:00]

FATHER Cletus Muntunu of Martyrs of Uganda Parish in Luanshya has urged the government to probe Luanshya Copper Mines (LCM) over the mining winders it is currently dismantling and selling as scrap metal. But LCM chief operating officer James Bethel said the government was aware about the removal of the winders by his firm. Fr Muntunu expressed fear that the dismantling of the winders from 14, 18, and 28 mine shafts by LCM clearly showed that the mine would never be utilised.

"The hope of Luanshya predominately lies in mining, but LCM has dismantled the winders at these three shafts and yet they are talking about creating 400 jobs to the people of Luanshya, how are they going to create these jobs," Fr Muntunu wondered.

He said the winders were being sold as scrap metal to countries like South Africa .
He said 14, 18 and 28 shafts could be rejuvenated and be given to different investors who could put them to good use and create employment for many unemployed youths of Luanshya.

He said although Baluba Mine and Miliashi would help to reduce unemployment levels, it was cardinal for government to preserve the future of the three shafts for economic benefits of Luanshya residents and the national as whole.

"By dismantling the three shafts, LCM is greatly disadvantaging the people of Luanshya whose lives solely depend on mining for their livelihood; it is therefore cardinal for government to probe this company," said Fr Muntunu.

And some concerned LCM workers and local branch Mine Workers Union (MUZ) officials who declined to be named threatened that if the government would not stop LCM from dismantling the winders, they would mobilise Luanshya residents to demonstration to force LCM to stop removing the equipment.

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