
Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Mine proprietor backs proposed mines bill

Mine proprietor backs proposed mines bill
By Kabanda Chulu
Wednesday March 26, 2008 [03:00]

KASONSO Mines proprietor Doreen Mwamba yesterday said the proposed mines bill will help to bring sanity in the issuance of small scale-mining licences. Under the existing mines and minerals Act, Cap 213, an artisan's mining right is the only one reserved for Zambian citizens but the government was proposing to add to this, other small-scale mining rights.

Welcoming government's intention to restrict all small-scale mining rights to Zambian citizens and citizens owned companies, Mwamba said there had been anomalies at the ministry of mines licence issuance department because foreigners were given preference.

"As women small-scale miners, we are happy with government's intentions to address anomalies happening in the issuance of licences where foreigners are given preference at all costs despite Zambians having the capacity to develop the mining sites," said Mwamba. "Also owing 51 per cent or more shares will enable Zambians to have a controlling stake in the affairs of the mines."

Kasonso small-scale mines are located in Kasempa district in the North Western Province and normally deal in copper ores.

During the Civil Society Trade Network Zambia, trade and development consultation meeting recently, mines deputy minister Maxwell Mwale said the government would restrict all small-scale mining rights to Zambian citizens and citizen-owned companies.
He said the mines and minerals development bill of 2008 was intended to address post-privatisation challenges and national aspirations that included the need for Zambians to participate more in the ownership of the mines.

"However, Zambians will remain free to enter into mine development partnerships with foreign investors, but only up to 49 per cent equity participation by non-Zambians," said Mwale.

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