
Monday, March 31, 2008

Parliament probs Shakafuswa's insults

Parliament probs Shakafuswa's insults
By Mutuna Chanda
Monday March 31, 2008 [04:00]

THE office of the Clerk of the National Assembly has asked individual members of parliament that were present at the time Jonas Shakafuswa threatened Munji Habeenzu at Parliament to submit written statements today. This is in a matter where Chikankata UPND member of parliament Habeenzu has complained to the Speaker of the National Assembly Amusaa Mwanamwambwa against finance deputy minister Shakafuswa’s attacking him at parliament bar over a week ago for remarking that the National Assembly Motel had been turned into a brothel.

According to a letter dated March 28, 2008 and signed by an M. M. Mulele for the Clerk of the National Assembly, individual members of parliament that were said to have been present when Shakafuswa confronted Habeenzu are expected to submit written statements today.

“The Hon. member of parliament for Chikankata Parliamentary Constituency, Mr Munji Habeenzu has submitted a letter of complaint against the Deputy Minister for Finance and National Planning, Hon Jonas Shakafuswa alleging Hon Shakafuswa harassed, threatened and hurled insults at him on Thursday, 20th March, 2008 at about 22:45 hours in the National Assembly Bar at Parliament Buildings,” read the letter in part.

“It is alleged in the letter of complaint that you were present at the time the incidence took place. May the Office of the Clerk of the National Assembly have your statement on this matter as a witness. The office of the Clerk of the National Assembly would like to have your submission in writing on this matter by Monday, 31st March, 2008.”

Among the members of parliament that have been written to are David Matongo (Pemba), Moses Muteteka (Chisamba), Gary Nkombo (Mazabuka Central), Douglas Syakalima (Siavonga), Given Lubinda (Kabwata), Mwenya Musenge (Nkana), Vincent Mwale ( Chipangali), Todd Chilembo (Chama North) , Paul Sichamba (Isoka West) and Claver Silavwe (Nakonde).

Last week, in his letter dated March 27, 2008 to Speaker Mwanamwambwa, Habeenzu stated that he and his family were now living under extreme stress and fear, as they did not know when Shakafuswa would execute his intentions.

"On the night of Thursday 19th March 2008 at about 22:45 hours, I went to the Speaker's bar. Upon my arrival, Honourable Jonas Shakafuswa M.P started hurling insults at me in presence of so many Honourable members of parliament and civil servants. Notable among those that were present were Hon Moses Muteteka M.P, Honourable Vincent Mwale M.P, Honourable David Matongo M.P, Hon Douglas Syakalima M.P, Honourable Todd Chilembo M.P, Honourable Garry Nkombo M.P, Honourable Clever Silavwe M.P and Honourable Paul Sichamba M.P. Sir, unfortunately, also present at the Honourable Speaker's bar were a number of journalists from various media houses," the letter read in part.

"Honourable Shakafuswa verbally assaulted and physically intimidated me accusing me of having caused discourse at his home by the manner in which I debated the Ministry of Health vote more than 10 days prior to this incident. In my debate on the floor of the House, I never referred parliament motel as a brothel in the manner that Hon Shakafuswa strongly suggested in his verbal assault against me.

Further to this unfounded accusation, he insisted that these activities must be left to those people who have got money to pay for sex and that since I was poor, an idiot and an imbecile, if I continued debating in the manner that he accused me of, he would resort to beating me up."

Habeenzu stated that he wondered why Shakafuswa harassed him at the bar over an issue that he debated in Parliament.
“I am humbly seeking your indulgence sir that this matter is addressed in order for my family and I to continue enjoying freedoms of speech, association and most of all liberty,” Habeenzu stated.
Recently, Shakafuswa threatened to beat up Habeenzu over his remark that National Assembly Motel has been turned into a brothel by members of parliament.

This follows Habeenzu's statement during the debate on the policy statement of the 2008 budget estimates for the Ministry of Health, that even parliamentarians were engaging in extra marital affairs at the motel where they were being accommodated.

But before Parliament adjourned, Shakafuswa threatened Habeenzu at the bar that he would be beaten up if he continued talking about what goes on at the motel.

However, Shakafuswa later apologised for threatening Habeenzu over his remark but Habeenzu maintained that he would not forgive Shakafuswa over his unwarranted behaviour and would write to Speaker Mwanamwambwa over the matter.

The women movement has since petitioned President Levy Mwanawasa demanding that Shakafuswa resign for regarding women as sexual objects.

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