
Thursday, March 13, 2008

Prof Chirwa reaffirms presidential ambitions

Prof Chirwa reaffirms presidential ambitions
By Bivan Saluseki
Thursday March 13, 2008 [03:00]

MMD presidential aspirant Professor Clive Chirwa yesterday said he had not run out of steam. Prof Chirwa said he still had the momentum. “As you can see, I still have momentum and I will take this all the way to 2010 when we go to MMD party convention,” he said.

Asked if he had run out of steam, Prof Chirwa said; “Far from it. I am not out of steam. In fact, my reservoir is so full that I wish 2011 was now.”

Prof Chirwa said recently he had a public lecture at the London School of Economics and Political Science and he planned to have six more public lectures to Zambians in Moscow, Tokyo, Sydney, Perth, Washington and Atlanta.

“By the end of the year, I will present two big lectures in Zambia, one on my vision on economic policy and the other on my education policy. I intend to present my manifesto in stages until 2010,” he said.

“So far, I have been very frank with the Zambian people. I am the only person in Zambia who has openly presented vision for Zambia and how I am going to achieve success by eradicating poverty and building an educated nation at ease with itself and ready for tasks ahead in the 21st Century.

I want to see other politicians in MMD and other parties stipulate their visions for Zambia. I bet they have none. If so, let them come out.”

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