
Monday, March 03, 2008

Resettlement schemes are good for development says Banda

Resettlement schemes are good for development says Banda
By Charles Mangwato
Monday March 03, 2008 [03:00]

VICE-PRESIDENT Rupiah Banda has said resettlement schemes under his office are a good strategy of ensuring development spreads across the country. Addressing settlers at Harmony resettlement scheme in Choma on Saturday, Vice-President Banda said such schemes were important in achieving the type of development Zambia needed.

He said the government would therefore provide basic infrastructure to make the schemes attractive and viable.

Vice-President Banda asked settlers to cooperate and participate in government programmes so as to ensure that their areas improved.

He assured people that his office would mobilise needed logistics for the completion of the health centre at the scheme whose construction had stalled.
Due to the absence of a health facility, settlers were forced to cover a distance of 17 kilometres to Mochipapa research station clinic for medical services.

Vice-President Banda said the government would look into the problem of shortage of fertiliser, which had adversely affected food production this farming season.
He assured the settlers that the government would help them acquire title deeds for their individual farms.

Speaking earlier, coordinating chairperson for the settlers Dennis Njase requested the government to electrify the scheme. Njase said the settlers had submitted applications to Zesco but that it was taking long for the power utility company to respond.

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