
Monday, March 24, 2008

Show love to the people you lead, KK urges govt leaders

Show love to the people you lead, KK urges govt leaders
By Noel Sichalwe
Monday March 24, 2008 [11:00]

THOSE in government should show love to the people they lead, first Republican president Dr Kenneth Kaunda has said. In his Easter message, Dr Kaunda said the government had the responsibility of taking care of the needs of its citizens without any discrimination. He said politicians should lead their followers with love in order to serve them properly.

"The people in need are people that any government must look after," he said. "Politicians must lead with love because you can't lead God's children without love at all. When we walk that life, that love is not discriminatory. All of us whether we are leaders or not must have love. The love of Jesus Christ on the cross is something special and it reaches us all whether we are Christians or something else. This love is the cause for us to love everybody and therefore, all of us must work together. Life without this type of love is meaningless."

Dr Kaunda said people should show the love of Jesus that cut across colour and faith because it affected everyone whether they believed or not. And Dr Kaunda also said he learnt the death of UNIP Milanzi member of parliament Dr Chosani Njobvu with deep sorrow. He said the death of Milanzi UNIP member of parliament Dr Njobvu was terrible and a shock to him.

"I hope that the party will get over it and I hope it doesn't affect the party," he said.

Dr Njobvu died in his sleep on Wednesday in Slovenia where he had gone to represent Zambia at the African Caribean Pacific Countries/European Union Joint Parliamentary Assembly.

Speaker of the National Assembly, Amusaa Mwanamwambwa, who officially announced the death of Dr Njobvu to the House last week said arrangements to ferry Dr Njobvu's body back home were being made. Dr Njobvu was born on August 4, 1948. He had a diploma and doctorate degree in agriculture. He was elected to Parliament in 2006. Dr Njobvu served on the parliamentary committee on agriculture and lands and on the committee on information and broadcasting services.

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