
Sunday, March 02, 2008

UNIP to abide by KK's counsel

UNIP to abide by KK's counsel
By Christopher Miti
Sunday March 02, 2008 [03:00]

UNIP deputy secretary general Reverend Alfred Banda has said the party will abide by the counsel given by Dr Kenneth Kaunda. And Rev Banda said outsiders had ganged up to destabilise the party. In an interview on Friday, Rev Banda said Dr Kaunda was their old man and the party would therefore take his counsel.

“I know he is particularly not happy with what happened to the journalists but we all condemned the attack on journalists, that’s why we came to apologise here over what happened,” Rev Banda said.

Two Post journalists, Lambwe Kachali and Angela Ntentabunga, were harassed by UNIP officials when they went to cover the violence at the party’s Sheki Sheki offices on Monday.

Dr Kaunda on Thursday castigated the Tilyenji led UNIP leadership for its failure to organise the former ruling party into a formidable force in the country.
Commenting on UNIP cadres' attacks on The Post journalists earlier in the week, Dr Kaunda asked the party leadership to begin reorganising UNIP instead of resorting to violence and attacking innocent journalists.

"I can only ask the UNIP leadership to go all out and organise the party's supporters according to the party's constitution because UNIP is currently not properly organised," Dr Kaunda said. "They are required to do that. Zambia is a very big country...if only the UNIP leadership could follow the example of the founding leaders."

Dr Kaunda reminded UNIP leaders that the party was founded on non-violence practices.

And Rev Banda said it was unfortunate that some members of UNIP who were not genuine had ganged up with outsiders to disturb the party.
He said Exildah Chisenga who claimed she was Lusaka Province political secretary and Elizabeth Zimba who said she was Lusaka district secretary for women affairs were imposters.

“Mrs Chisenga is no longer PPS for UNIP in Lusaka, she was removed from office because of her bad behaviour and Mrs Zimba is as well not holding any position in the party,” Rev Banda revealed.

He accused the two women of having connived with thugs who went to attack UNIP officials at the UNIP headquarters.

“Am saying these people have ganged up with outsiders to destabilise UNIP because when they were picked for causing violence at the head office the man who signed a police bond for them is General Malimba Masheke who is in FDD, now the question is what has he (Gen Masheke) got to do with UNIP business?” Rev Banda asked.

He said the party was not sitting idle on the issue of holding a congress.
“District Congresses have already been conducted, very soon provincial congresses would be held and the central committee will meet to decide on the national congress,” said.

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